Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Aching ligaments normal


So I’ve been following the newbie routine. After the 1st session I had aching for a day or two, as per the above question. Now, with 5 sessions under my belt I have no aching any more. Yesterday was a relatively long session (35 minutes) with some V-stretching added for good measure ;)

Just wondering, does the absence of ligament aching suggest I should be working harder? I don’t feel I can jelq/stretch any harder without a stronger grip and I feel my cock tells me my grip is plenty hard enough already! I guess I answered my own question.. I guess I mean, can you gain without the associated aching pains? Replies much appreciated!

Hey b105366,

Good to hear you’re fine now. Well, I used to say “No pain no gain” :D And I think it’s sometimes true.
You will figure out by yourself when to put more tension while stretching. To me, you have already answered to your own question.

Good luck!


7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
If hobby says there is no apparent nerve bundle, I’ll back him. A long time ago there was a poorly drawn graphic making the rounds showing this “nerve bundle” and as hobby said, a lot of us were just being tape recorders on playback.

I wonder if MM’s scan has anything to add to this?

This website gains credibility to me when I read admissions like “a lot of us were just being tape recorders on playback.” From my reading while doing foreskin restoration, if there’s any “bundle of nerves,” it’s on the underside (not top side) of the penis, where the frenulum meets the glans. That’s why anti-circ advocates get so up in arms about circumcision, because it messes with a major nerve cluster on the bottom side of the penis. But aside from reading someone’s opinion, that’s where my tool tingles! Shouldn’t there be something in one of the Gray’s anatomy etchings on this?


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