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Aching ligaments normal


Aching ligaments normal

I posted yesterday and got a few responses along the lines of “try the search box”.. Well, you know that search function is not all that great - try it for a few minutes and you’ll see. Anyway, my point in saying this is that I *have* tried the search so please don’t flame me too hard ;)

I tried jelqing for the first time yesterday following the Newbie Routine (or a mini version of it anyway). After I felt some aching, which I presume is ligaments and is normal. It’s not uncomfortable, but I wanted to ask *where* the ligaments should be aching?

The majority of the ache feels like it’s in the base of my penis and I also have a minor twinge just below the head. I’m going to break for a day or so and see how it feels, oh an read up more ;) Interesting site, thanks for your comments.

The ache caused by the ligs is felt behind the base of the penis and in the very low abdominal. When you try to do crunches you will feel it even more distinctive ache. But don’t worry it is OK as soon you don’t feel exteme pain. Fatigue of the ligs if prolonged and kept in a moderate level brings quick length gains.

Originally Posted by b105366
I posted yesterday and got a few responses along the lines of “try the search box”.. Well, you know that search function is not all that great - try it for a few minutes and you’ll see. Anyway, my point in saying this is that I *have* tried the search so please don’t flame me too hard ;)

I tried jelqing for the first time yesterday following the Newbie Routine (or a mini version of it anyway). After I felt some aching, which I presume is ligaments and is normal. It’s not uncomfortable, but I wanted to ask *where* the ligaments should be aching?

The majority of the ache feels like it’s in the base of my penis and I also have a minor twinge just below the head. I’m going to break for a day or so and see how it feels, oh an read up more ;) Interesting site, thanks for your comments.

The search button is more helpful if you do an “advanced search”.

Aching ligs is normal (for me anyway)

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

>The majority of the ache feels like it’s in the base of my penis and I also have a minor twinge just below the head.

A day or two off sounds like a good plan. I doubt most guys get sore from a simple, easy routine. When I began PE I had a persistent pain on one side, with some referred pain up into or near the head. I took plenty of time off between sessions. I think I only did about 6 in the first month. After a few months the pain went away and never returned.

Edited to add this from my progress thread:

I started with jelqing and manual stretching. The manual stretches (even going easy) caused a pain on the left side of the shaft near the head after a workout for the first month and a half or so. I’d have to take several days to a week or more off from each workout for this pain to go away. Heating on recovery days with the heating pad I use for warm-up seemed to speed recovery. I probably only did 6-8 workouts the first month, if that.

Hi b105366,

To me, it’s not a serious one, you might need some more times to make your penis get used to your routine, then take it slow and be aware of getting your penis injured.

Don’t forget that warming up and down plus a little penis massage are very important to your PEing sessions. Don’t skip them.

Good luck with your routine.



7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

Welcome b105366, First of all fatigue is normal and shows that you are doing things right. I would recommend a few days off for the pain behind your head. It was explained to me months ago that there is a bundle of nerves in there and if to much pressure is applied, you might injure yourself. Just remember to take things slow and steady. Rome was not built in a day, I say this to mainly remind myself.

Good luck with all of your gains.

Start Date: April '05 Starting BPEL: 6.75", EG: 5.25 New measurement : June '05 BPEL: 7.00" EG: 5.5 Give me an inch and I will take a mile!

> It was explained to me months ago that there is a bundle of nerves in there

From the diagrams I’ve seen there isn’t any special nerve bundle behind the head. I think the old advice was incorrect.

Maybe so, but I have some of those power sticks and refuse to use them. I really never put a lot of pressure on them, but it sure did hurt the underneath of my glans. It even hurt to piss and it took about a week to fully go away.

Start Date: April '05 Starting BPEL: 6.75", EG: 5.25 New measurement : June '05 BPEL: 7.00" EG: 5.5 Give me an inch and I will take a mile!

Hobby, look at this thread

“Power Jelg device ?????”

Momento made mention of the nerves that run up ones dick and the bundle of nerves by the head. It may be wrong, but as a semi-new memeber here, reading is my only avenue sometimes.

Start Date: April '05 Starting BPEL: 6.75", EG: 5.25 New measurement : June '05 BPEL: 7.00" EG: 5.5 Give me an inch and I will take a mile!

Yes, the alleged nerve bundle behind the head is old school thought. I think I’m the only one right now saying it’s BS.

I’ve probably warned about the nerve bundle before too here in the past - just blindly repeating what I had been told. I try to avoid doing that, but I’m only human. :)

10-4. Well in your opinion, what the could the pain that I had be. It sound much like what b105366 has, but much worse. I could not piss without wanting to scream. I know that it was not an STD because I am married and have a wonderful relationship. Also, it went away with out going to the doctor just time of not PEing let it heal. Have never had it again and hopefully won’t. Thanks.

Start Date: April '05 Starting BPEL: 6.75", EG: 5.25 New measurement : June '05 BPEL: 7.00" EG: 5.5 Give me an inch and I will take a mile!

If hobby says there is no apparent nerve bundle, I’ll back him. A long time ago there was a poorly drawn graphic making the rounds showing this “nerve bundle” and as hobby said, a lot of us were just being tape recorders on playback.

I wonder if MM’s scan has anything to add to this?

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Originally Posted by longman

10-4. Well in your opinion, what the could the pain that I had be. It sound much like what b105366 has, but much worse. I could not piss without wanting to scream. I know that it was not an STD because I am married and have a wonderful relationship. Also, it went away with out going to the doctor just time of not PEing let it heal. Have never had it again and hopefully won’t. Thanks.

Since urination caused pain I’m guessing your urethra was irritated. I’d try PEing again, but don’t use sticks. Warm up well, then jelq lightly and not for very long. Ease into it. If everything goes ok you can gradually increase time and intensity.

Re: nerves, I linked this before. Interesting article.

Folks, thank you for your responses. This is a really friendly crowd :)

Following your advice I took a day off. Aching subsided, not completely but mostly. So I went at it again. Stretches and jelqs with olive oil - not sure who it was who recommended that but I read it here somewhere & it does the trick. First I tried KY and that stuff just dries out and feels like glue.

I swear my penis feels bigger already. Could be that I now seem to hang at a consistent (maximum) flaccid length rather than fluctuating throughout the day. I haven’t measured erect - I’ll give it a week or two then do so. I guess I want to (a) give myself a chance to grow and/or (b) maintain my newbie enthusiasm by avoiding cold hard facts for a while :) But for the record, my before-PE stats are 5.75x5. Watch this space tho’ !

Last night my girlfriend noted how quick I got an erection (normally I require a fair bit of attention) which I felt quietly pleased about. I almost told her there and then but then thought.. What it’s been, like, all of two sessions!!

I haven’t thought what my goal is yet. Something like 6.5x5.5? Take the easy gains (if any), then see what next. Something tells me this stuff gets addictive.. EG. I already am versed in LOT theory ;) (FYI 8.30-9pm so hoping for some quick gains :)

So anyway, just wanted to add some personal info to go with my log in name. Hm, I know it ain’t the best one out there but it’s what I got! Catch ya later.

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