Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

ADS and Decon

ADS and Decon

Sorry I had to post in the newbie area for this one. For some reason I can’t post in the main members area, although I have many times before. I hope I didn’t piss anybody off. Well anyway!

My question!

I have been going strong for 3-4 months and I am about to take my first decon break. I would like to know if any guys wear their ADS during the decon break, or should the break be a complete break from everything? I have done searces on the subject and can not get a clear answer for this question.

I see that some people say they stretch every now and again. But I am wondering about wearing an ADS everyday but still not doing any actual workouts.

I'm on my way to 8th and Long. Yeah, she's cummin too!

Start: 2002 NBPL= ~6in, Eg=?, Current: NBPL= 7.6 EGmid= 5.7

Goal: NBPL= 8.5 EGmid= 6.5

You can’t post in main members anymore because Thunders has changed there forum rules.
New member group settings

In regards to your question:
I saw a discussion about this the other day I suggest search for It under Decon. That’s how I found it

Thanks For All Your Help

OK thanks guys. Yeah Carlos11 I tried the Decon search, but I couldn’t find anything really discussing an ADS. Most of what I saw was about stretching and light workouts during the decon. I know this is really not a decon but I’m unsure about the ADS. I think I will just cut everything all together.

I'm on my way to 8th and Long. Yeah, she's cummin too!

Start: 2002 NBPL= ~6in, Eg=?, Current: NBPL= 7.6 EGmid= 5.7

Goal: NBPL= 8.5 EGmid= 6.5

Yeah, sounds good. Thanks ThundersSS.

I'm on my way to 8th and Long. Yeah, she's cummin too!

Start: 2002 NBPL= ~6in, Eg=?, Current: NBPL= 7.6 EGmid= 5.7

Goal: NBPL= 8.5 EGmid= 6.5

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