Originally Posted by Mike03016
Any updates, how is it going?
Are you using it with the ring bending your unit it half or differently?
How are you doing with tension in the yellow zone?
Good stretch or too much?
Hey Mike!
Thanks for your interest :-) . Be assured I’m 100% committed and wear it ever single day, 8h minimum.
No rest day, no excuse hahah. I don’t want to measure before 1st of November, so I cannot comment on gains yet.
However, I’m doing everything as well as I can. I will write an extremely comprehensive report after my first 1cm gain.
But I will gladly answer your questions.
1) I switch 2-3 times a day. Sometimes like you described. Sometimes, I use the ring as a balls ring. The itching on the penis itself is very manageable so far
and I want to keep everything simple.
2) To moisten my glans and the shaft where the pressure from the ring was all day, I use cheap cocoabutter. A great guy from PEgym told me this
and it is cheap and works wonders. I apply it before going to sleep and everything heals very well during my 8-8.5 hours.
3) Tension is high yellow. I can tolerate it very well.
4) I think I cannot get too much of a stretch with the Phallosan :-D. I seem to be pretty resistant in that regard. I feel a very light pull in the high yellow zone.
So far, so good. PIs are as they were before the usage, maybe very slightly better.
I will measure again every first day of the month and as said before, give you guys a very comprehensive review after my first cm of gains.
This is to make sure I really gained. Even if I gain 0.5 cm, it is still too new and too little for me to be 100% sure.
But if I really gain my first 1 cm with PE, Im 100% convinced and it is impossible to deny the effect.
No matter how bad I was measuring or if my EQ was a bit worse, after the first cm it is safe for me to say it works :-) .