Since beginning my quest in earnest, I have found a correlation between BPFSL and BPEL- meaning that while they definitely do not move in lock step, whenever I note a substantive increase in BPFSL, there will generally be an increase in BPEL following shortly [poor choice of word]- and generally speaking, my BPEL, while initially >~.5” less than my BPFSL, has moved to within <~.25” of my BPFSL, a difference that seems reasonably attributable to length compression due to girth expansion.
What does this mean to me?
Others here far wiser and more experienced in the ways of PE than I have positted that initial gains [aka the “newbie pop”] may be as much a matter of improved erectile quality and measurement accuracy as they are actual penile size increase.
My own experience would seem to bear this out.
While not having taken any accurate measurements as a younger man [I voted for Ronnie once- and almost twice], I do definitely recall that what measurments I did take were substantially larger than my pre- PE inches noted here. This would seem to be born out by supersizeit’s noting of size differentials at different life stages.
Why do I come back to this?
As a pure measurement tool, I echo hobby’s sentiment- with my own corollary.
First and foremost establish your baseline inches [or cms.] - in order of importance
BPFSL- minimum fudge factor, just keep the ruler tucked tight against the shaft, stand like a two legged creature not a four and push until the discomfort tells you that you are at the end.
This measurement is your “true” length, which really cannot be influenced by much- other than being done pre or post PE/ warm- up [in other words, once you figure the basics of determining dick dimensionality [I do so love alliteration], you can only fuck up BPFSL if you actually try to fuck it up.
BPEL- Then get some good wood going, take it to the edge and do the same- this is your “interest influenced” length. As mentioned above, even if you are rock solid on your manhood measurement methodolgy [there goes that alliterative addiction again] [oops!], a cold breeze - or the memory of your gran in her panties- can queer your results objective accuracy. This is the number that indicates your capacity to access your “true” BPFSL measurement [for your partners’ pleasure, as they say]
NBEL- useless IMHO, but if it works for you, I would think that as long as you can assure longitudinal consistency, then rock on.
Me? I’m not that smart.
If I know that my NBPEL can range from .4- .7” depending on my edema level [I am one water logged sumbitch- can you say ‘thank you northen european genes with me?], simple pressure approximating my average coital bump can tell me how much impact said fat pad will have.
BUT- I personally dig a bunch of positions that don’t really engage the fat pad, and in those I can feel the CDS thingy, so, is the NBPEL really relevant for me?
Should I state as a caveat:
"Baby, if you want to go at it in mish, I’m running about 6.6”, unless you toss my salad, in which case I will run above 6.75”, but if I take you in quarter spoon with one leg under and the other turned over so that you are laying on your side, I will be able to graze the 7.2” mark as I will be able to avoid my porcine fat pad”?
Not criticizing, just spitballing as I contemplate my new obsession.
And I did finsih a bottle with dinner, so if I wax verbose… .