Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Advice after 7 Years of PE


Originally Posted by Shaunbaby
Just in case this was missed? Many thanks Golddinger!

Hey SB,
Sorry for the delay, I’m rarely on here.

I wish I had consistent measurements for you, but I haven’t approached this with an obsession over measured results, which I think has it’s advantages and disadvantages.
I can mostly only offer my anecdotal report that my best gains have come in my most recent period of PE, which I attribute to decisively scaling down my exercises, and more recently, the introduction of ingesting an l-arginine and then switching to a citrulline supplement. I suspect that across the spectrum of hormonal and chemical profiles amongst guys here, there are bound to be many many who would really benefit from citrulline. My body type is very thin, I’ve always struggled to keep weight on my body, and I think this body type in particular really benefits the most from taking the right approach to diet.
I’m just a few weeks into the Nitric Oxide supplementation, and only switched to citrulline a few days ago from L-Arginine, but I’m already finding that I’m recovering much faster when I take it. The indicator of that for me being flaccid volume, mostly, and ability to easily achieve an erection.
Again, I think trusting the indicators is utterly vital to anybody, but also knowing how to interpret them. I’m learning when my body is dehydrated, when I need to be eating, and when I’m in the right condition to exercise.

The measurements I can offer you are rather vague and scattered across time.
I know I began about seven years ago at something like 6”BPEL x 4.25”EG. Probably before I switched my habits just a few years ago, I was hovering at 6.5”BPEL and like 4.5”-5”EG with a fully clamped max EG of about 5”.
When I just measured just now, clamped, I was at 8”BPEL for the first time, and 5.5”EG. Man I’ve gotta measure more, very encouraging to see that!

Flaccid hang varies, but I try to do a 1-3 minute firegoat roll WHENEVER I notice turtling or feel like my penis is cold to the touch. But since I’ve been taking NO supplements (arginine/citrulline) I’m finding that I’m almost NEVER turtling and almost NEVER cold to the touch. I still do firegoat rolls just to encourage recovery but it’s less regular than perhaps it should be. I sometimes think that the FG rolls should be what I do the MOST! My penile tissues just seem to come alive afterwards.

Total supplement intake is this homemade pseudo-soylent drink that’s mostly nuts, ground up oatmeal and some creatine protein powder, and now a couple grams of the powdered citrulline once or twice a day.

That’s about all I can think to say for now, good luck! Be kind to everybody, stay positive!

One last contribution:: **Let this newfound masculine strength be something good and generous rather than something grotesque and hateful like so much of modern masculinity is! We can take care of our bodies and our sexual wellbeing and still be good people! I think there’s a hidden stigma about this kind of self-work that suggests that a comfortable strong masculinity and emotional intelligence are mutually exclusive, that people who want to be strong are predisposed to be macho dominance-obsessed jerks. It’s NOT true, but so many men seem to want to make it true! So if I contribute anything to the dialogue on this site and in this community, I think that’s the most important thing.
Masculinity is at its best when it is paired with emotional intelligence.

Originally Posted by Golddinger

One last contribution:: **Let this newfound masculine strength be something good and generous rather than something grotesque and hateful like so much of modern masculinity is! We can take care of our bodies and our sexual wellbeing and still be good people! I think there’s a hidden stigma about this kind of self-work that suggests that a comfortable strong masculinity and emotional intelligence are mutually exclusive, that people who want to be strong are predisposed to be macho dominance-obsessed jerks. It’s NOT true, but so many men seem to want to make it true! So if I contribute anything to the dialogue on this site and in this community, I think that’s the most important thing.
Masculinity is at its best when it is paired with emotional intelligence.

Everyone should read this.

Thanks! :-)

Originally Posted by nurbj
Great post!

Where did you read this?

Sorry to revive an old thread but I FINALLY came across where I read that:

"Effect of penile tourniquet on growth factors in rat penile tissue."
Effect of penile tourniquet on growth factors in rat penile tissue

After 10 minutes clamped, an increase in VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor). After 30, a decrease.
Also a strong correlation between increased inflammation and decreases in VEGF

This is a study that ought to have WAY more presence among the clamping threads.

Great post, Golddinger! Do you attribute all of your girth gains to clamping?


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