Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Advice after 7 Years of PE


Advice after 7 Years of PE

Hey all,
I’ve been doing PE since 2009, and in that time I’ve made so many mistakes and learned so much that I feel a need to re-iterate and further emphasize what I’ve found so crucial for people just starting out in this. Especially for younger guys who have so much to lose if they hurt themselves.

I started out reading these forums rather quickly, skimming, getting a general sense about what techniques have been developed and then approaching them rather intuitively, trying to respond to my body. But very quickly I got impatient and soon I was up at 3am trying to do exercises that were way way too intense for me and I was basically ruining my life. I was in college and I started missing classes, not to mention my erectile quality plummeted! After a year haphazardly plodding through various routines I wound up with a cold, discolored, barely functioning penis and I’d become so self-conscious that I avoided women outright. Not just about my penis but about the fact that I’d been doing what seemed like some crazy stuff to my body and spending so much thought on it. I was approaching it in a way that was toxic to my body and mind and emotional wellbeing.

Another year goes by and I’d slowed down, spent a lot more time taking recovery exercises seriously, not being consumed by obsessive thoughts about the whole thing, and generally just overcame a lot of insecurities. I started to approach the thing more calmly with less worry, and an attitude of just seeing what happened. I started exercising, pushups, weight lifting, eating better, *drinking more water*. And very quickly I started to notice my sexual health becoming better and better.

Nowadays, I do a warm up, clamp for TEN MINUTES FLAT. And that’s it! And I’ve been gaining better since taking this approach than I was doing PE for anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour. People say it again and again, but new guys seem to think that they’re racing to catch up to the more intense exercises by starting slow. It’s not true! In fact I read somewhere in these forums that the body is flooded with growth factors to repair capillary damage after ten minutes of clamping, while after twenty, these growth factors were even lower than normal.

In the years since that point, I feel like I’ve gleaned a little bit of insight into some peripheral aspects of PE that I’ve found to be equally if not more important than the PE exercises themselves.

1. Everybody’s body is different!
For me, the ONLY way I was able to get steady gains was from doing far far less than what other guys were doing after the same amount of time invested in PE.

2. Don’t Doubt The Physiological Indicators!
You may feel like pushing your body further with PE is just doing yourself a favor, but in my experience, I have always ended up regressing from pushing myself harder than my body wanted to go. You will almost certainly get the best results from an exercise routine that feels like it hasn’t been adequate. When you clamp until your penis gets cold and purple, or jelq until your penis aches and sits limp, you’re most likely making your body less functional and less well than it was before.

3. Don’t Sweat It!
In other words, if you let yourself be overwhelmed by insecurity, if you let it consume you, you will suffer mind and body. I found that during periods where I was unable to feel self-love, my BODY suffered along with my mind. I would push myself too hard, I wouldn’t take care of other aspects of my physical wellbeing, I became more and more insecure, I retreated from people I cared about. PE can help you become even better than you already are. But if you start centering your personal wellbeing and self-worth around success in PE, you need to stop right there and DECIDE to love yourself. Not only does your emotional wellbeing depend on this, but your success in PE is dependent on it as well.

4. Your Mind is Very Powerful
At the risk of sounding even more like a hippie, I submit that my best erectile quality and my best gains have been accompanied by consciously exercising the Belief that PE is working, and by envisioning my penis and my body the way that I would like it to be. For me, this means literally *feeling* a heavier thicker penis hanging from my body, even stroking ‘the ghost penis’. I know this sounds crazy, but there’s a physiological precedent for it in a number of studies. The Placebo Effect being foremost, but also a recent study about cast-bound people doing mental exercises, imagining exercising their immobilized limbs, and finding that their muscles have atrophied less than a control group. Try it!

5. H2O!!
For me, drinking significantly more water than I was accustomed to was followed by an immediate and dramatic change in my overall wellbeing, as well as my erectile and penile health. This was prompted by watching some whacko on youtube claim that he’d solved his persistent asthma symptoms by staying fully hydrated. If you look through this site, you will find many of the biggest gainers say that they drink at minimum 1 gallon of water a day.

6. Exercise
Simply put, when I accompany my PE with even modest amounts of muscle-building oriented weight lifting (often just one single 3 set exercise), my gains are steadier. Many sources emphasize Squats as a particularly beneficial exercise in regard to penile health, and I can’t disagree.

7. Help Your Body Heal
Firegoat Rolls and recovery time. When I ignored recovery, I got nothing. And Firegoat rolls are the only thing that eliminated years of discoloration but man! I went from looking like I had a dead man’s penis sewn onto my body to having my own penis back.

I want to reiterate this one more time. Like I did, you may believe that squeezing and ballooning your fully erect penis as hard as you can is better than doing an exercise that doesn’t feel like heavy stress on your penile tissues. Even now, after 7 years of conditioning, my penis shrivels and stays shriveled for days when I do even slightly more extreme exercises, even in moderation. Yes, every body is different, but it’s been said a million times, if you’re struggling to gain, you are MOST LIKELY overdoing it.

Anyway, there’re my two cents. Everybody feels the stigma surrounding PE, and it’s true that our culture is toxic with regards to how much importance it places on living up to these fetishistic standards for hetero-normative bullshit masculinity. But in the context of this culture, PE simply has helped me to feel like it’s within my power to make myself the person I want to be. And along with that I’ve felt so much less pressure to have the biggest penis.
Be comfortable with yourself, and DECIDE to love yourself even as you decide to improve yourself.

Good post, man! PE, and this Site have helped me be at peace with myself and my size.

4/16 BPEL 7.2 MSEG 6.0

1/17 BPEL 7.75 MSEG ~6.2 BEG 6.75

Size anxiety is the mere response to viewing other males as a threat and the corresponding jealousy it causes. Realize that your feelings are a response to a perceived threat and the anxiety will disappear. My log: Big Booty Extravaganza (and Log)

I feel like…I have to stop and “+1” this post.

Maybe cuz its 7 years. Maybe cuz its stuff I believe. Maybe it’s the “gold” user name (in before the conspiracy of two different me is floated *chuckles*).

But…great stuff man. Honest. More folks need to believe this.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Good read.
I’m at 7 years as well and have reached mostly the same conclusions, oddly enough I’m also doing 10mins of clamping.

What are your thoughts on frequency ?

Awesome stuff!

I really needed this as I am just getting started and I’m the type who will rapidly push the limits on anything.

Originally Posted by capernicus1
Good read.
I’m at 7 years as well and have reached mostly the same conclusions, oddly enough I’m also doing 10mins of clamping.

What are your thoughts on frequency ?

For me, I rarely go past every other day at maximum. But this is something that’s certainly gonna be different for everybody. I’ve also found that days when I do weightlifting in tandem with PE I have better recovery so I’m experimenting with increasing my frequency along with weightlifting.

Originally Posted by solinari
Awesome stuff!
I really needed this as I am just getting started and I’m the type who will rapidly push the limits on anything.

I know what you mean Solinari. I wish I’d trusted what everybody says about the ‘newbie gains’. I feel like I didn’t reap the benefits of being a newbie because I pushed myself too hard and essentially ended up sabotaging my PE.
Start slower than you think you have to, and when you think to yourself “damn! That was a good one! I feel like I really blasted it!”.then I would suggest going EVEN SLOWER! The positive Physiological Indicators are only there for me twelve hours later and often right after exercising, I think “Did I just do anything?” And then twelve hours later my flaccid hang will be crazy, my erectile quality will be great, and I’ll be amazed at how much resulted from so little.
I swear to you, when I used to exercise as if my penis was another muscle like a bicep, I would do nothing but hinder my progress. I can’t recommend exercising to feel that hypertrophy or anything equivalent to weightlifting. It’s so so different, and such a different process.
You might come to a place where you get more out of more intense exercises, but don’t leap into that! Good luck, and don’t sweat it!

Ok, I’m sold now. I’ve been overdoing it and I’mma screw down my intensity. If all the veterans are telling me I’m overdoing it, then I’ll take it seriously lol.

Great post, thanks for sharing!

February '16: 173 mm BPEL (6.81") 132 mm MEG (5.20")

November '18: 190 mm BPEL (7.48") 137 mm MEG (5.39")

Goal: A sustained 7.7" by 5.8" during intercourse

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
I feel like.. I have to stop and “+1” this post.

Maybe because its 7 years. Maybe because its stuff I believe. Maybe it’s the “gold” user name (in before the conspiracy of two different me is floated *chuckles*).

But.. Great stuff man. Honest. More folks need to believe this.

Man! You’re tripping me out!
I wonder what was going on in 2009.

Originally Posted by CrusherBrooks
Ok, I’m sold now. I’ve been overdoing it and I’mma screw down my intensity. If all the veterans are telling me I’m overdoing it, then I’ll take it seriously lol.
Great post, thanks for sharing!

Haha, thanks.
If I’m a veteran of anything, it’s of making mistakes!

Hi Golddinger,

Great post mate couldn’t agree more with everything you said.I also do 10 mins clamping I have found that works best for me. Also I never jelq for more than 15 mins.Anymore than that and I get turltling.So yes definitely less is more and its very easy to over do it.

Busy Building a big dick with AM 2.


Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

Originally Posted by Golddinger
For me, I rarely go past every other day at maximum. But this is something that’s certainly gonna be different for everybody. I’ve also found that days when I do weightlifting in tandem with PE I have better recovery so I’m experimenting with increasing my frequency along with weightlifting.

Same here, suprising how even 10mins needs 48hrs recovery, or maybe it isn’t !

After seven long years why have you only decided to start your first thread now?

Originally Posted by Golddinger
Haha, thanks.
If I’m a veteran of anything, it’s of making mistakes!

Mastery takes failure. A LOT of it. Thomas Edison (probably stolen from Tesla): I haven’t failed, I have found 10000 ways that don’t work.
“The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried” – Stephen McCranie

February '16: 173 mm BPEL (6.81") 132 mm MEG (5.20")

November '18: 190 mm BPEL (7.48") 137 mm MEG (5.39")

Goal: A sustained 7.7" by 5.8" during intercourse

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