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In need of advice regarding PE routine / taking a break


In need of advice regarding PE routine / taking a break

Hey guys, I need advice on what to do with my PE routine in next 3 months.

The things is, next 3 months are going to be extremely busy for me. We’re talking about last semester before getting my bachelor’s degree along with taking care of some classes from previous semesters that I haven’t passed yet. In other words, that’s 3-6 hours of classes a day, sometimes more, and 2-3 hours of studying at home. I’m also starting the cutting phase which means 3 hours of fast walking a day, 7 days a week, along with training at the gym 4 days a week. I also see my girlfriend 3-4 times a week, I eat 5-6 times a day and I want to get 8 hours of sleep every night, otherwise I won’t function properly. All in all, next 3 months are going to be extremely busy and tough and I want to spend every minute of free time doing something I enjoy, not something tedious, boring and demanding because I will be depleted physically and psychically enough as it is. If I want free summer to do whatever I want and preferably get a summer job instead of taking exams and finishing college stuff, this is the way it has to be.

With that out of the way, my question is… What should I do with my PE routine? Up until the beginning of this month, my routine was 50-55 minutes of manual stretching and some dry jelqing or pumping depending on my mood. Then I became less consistent with my workouts because I had to study for exams. I mean, I still did PE, but instead of 50-55 minutes I’d just do 20-25 and call it day.

So what should I do? Spend next 3 months doing some kind of light 20 minute maintenance routine and go for new gains somewhere in June or take a 3 month break completely, hope for gains to remain and hope for some new easy gains once I start again? Just to make it clear, I will start again with the same amount of dedication I had so far. I just don’t want the next 3 months to be erratic like August 2010 which was completely random and undecided. This time it’s either do it or don’t, nothing in between.

I took a break of 3-4 months last year. I did no PE, I lost about 0.1-0.2 inches of my gains, but when I started to PE again in December, I regained that in under 2 weeks. You could probably keep the erect gains by doing the newbie routine every other day, your flacid may not hang as well, but I don’t really worry about that.

Edit - I took the break because I had plateaued at hanging for a month. I also got some quick additional gains when I started again.

I reccomend just an hour of PE a day including pumping before school. Get it out of the way before class and forge about it the rest if the day so you can focus on what matters.

Try this,

10min warm up
15min of jelqs
3x5min pump 3min off between (up to 6 or 7psi)
15min wrapped clamping
5min warm down

I find that I can get a more intense girth session in less time if I jelq then pump. I recommend pumping at psi level slightly higher than normal 100% erection for less time to prevent the irritating donut. I pump up to 10psig then immediately bleed off to 5 or 6psi before anything hurts much like a blood pressure arm band. Finally you can wrap you penis in something soft but stretchy… For this I recccomend tennis racket tape for about $4 you can use it I’ve and over and it’s not sticky like electric tape it sticks using friction. I pull my flaccid penis out and carefully wrap close to base downward overlapping about 1/4 of the edge on each lap. Then pull a 1” trimming of a masturbation sleeve bone pressed, slap on the clamp, stimulate and kegel and click, kegel click… Until I can’t click anymore. With the clamp on I just kegel several times a min to maintain an erection while I go about doing other things like brushing teeth etc. You can saw your warm down for a morning shower and go on with your day. Don’t bother with kegels in class or anythig like that just focus on getting your work done. If you want you can stretch later on in the day if you must but I suggest you rotate your PE routines to be one week of girth work, one week of stretches, and so on and so forth. You will find that your girth will come out more on weeks you rest. Good luck and I hope that I could help you.


Losing only 0.1”-0.2” and regaining it in under 2 weeks sounds very good. It definitely takes a load off my chest. How long did you PE before that break and what were your gains?
If I’m going to keep (most of) my erect gains in those 3 months, I don’t really care if my flaccid isn’t going to be very good, I’m a grower anyway so I’m used to it. :D


Maybe I should have mentioned, but my routine is length orientated. I thought that’s clear when I wrote that my routine was stretching for 50-55 minutes. :) I’m not interested in girth until I’m done with length, so clamping is out of the question right now.
One hour of PE will be impossible for reasons stated in original post.
My usual pumping session is usually between 30 and 90 minutes at low pressure (2.5”-3.5” Hg) and the most I ever did was ~4 hours in 1 day so 3x5 minutes won’t do much for me. I never go over 4” Hg because I think low pressure long duration pumping is superior to high pressure short duration. When you say 6-7 psi, I hope you’re talking about 6”-7” Hg because 1 psi = 2” Hg (roughly). In other words, you’re talking about 12”-14” Hg which is extremely high pressure for penis pumping.
Also, with time limitations that I’m going to have, I probably won’t pump at all.

Thanks for help, though. :)

The main thing I want to know is pros and cons of 3 month deconditioning versus maintenance routine, and people’s experiences if possible, like stuzilla’s. :)

Last edited by UpTo7 : 02-22-2011 at .

This is my first gains. Went from 5.9 to 6.5 in total before I plateaued. It was either deconditioning or fulcrum’s, I went for the decon.
This is what I did at christmas. It says here that it was a 0.1 regain, but it was a bit more. Hit a plateau again, but having noticed how much easier jelqing is with almost 7”bpel, I’m going to embark on newbie routine again. I have been doing stretches and jelqs, but more as a maintenance at the moment. I need to get my mind in gear and do it properly.

NB yes I did hang a lot per day in the second routine, however it was low weight and was done mainly as an experiment. I only measured after the first 3 weeks and I measured 6.7, so the 2 weeks is a guestimate.

Just go ahead and sh*t all over my routine why dont ya.
I’m joking.

You may be seriously limiting your imagination if you think you can’t get your routine done in an hour or less. I experimented with that rule a year ago because of the similarities of diminishing testosterone levels between bodybuilding and PE. While the theory may not hold as much ground with this forum it did work wonders for a slowly growing vet as myself and I was able to get more work done in an 12-18hr work day while in the navy. Even now my main routine lasts about 30-45min without pumping and clamping, with minimal rest and challenging altered routines every week. You would be surprised what might happen when you open your mind to challenge yourself.

Well, the thing is that I probably could find the time to do a 1 hour routine, but I refuse to do it. Like I said, next 3 months are going to be extremely demanding, both physically and mentally. After walking for 3 straight hours in the morning, I have to go to college, sit and listen to boring lectures for 3-6 hours, after that I have to hit the gym and when I get back home I have to study. With such scenario, I want every minute of free time I can get and I certainly don’t plan to spend it on pulling my dick for an hour.

What I’m trying to say is… This thread is not about routine, but pros and cons about maintenance and deconditioning. I’m going to do either of that two, full routine is out of the question.

For anyone that has hard time imagining what it’s like, try walking for 3 hours straigh with fast pace and you’ll see what I’m talking about. Then add college, studying and gym into the equation. It’s extremely mentally challenging, especially when you have to do it every day for 3 months. The monotony and boredom blows your mind. But the results are extraordinary and worth it. ;)

Why would you ever walk 3 hours straight at a fast pace? That is so inefficient and, shall I say, extreme overkill.

Dude, all you need for an intense cutting is 20-30 minutes of rather intense HIIT training, with or without weights (with weights, high reps, fast motion)

Right there is 2.5 hours that you saved :)

I should add…

You gained pretty quickly at the newbie stage and then everything kind of stalled for you a bit, right?

Maybe a good cold turkey decon break would be something to try? Just completely stop for a few months. Then when you come back, you might be somewhat of a newbie again. You go back to the same routine you used to gain initially, you quickly make-up what you lost, PLUS some more :)

Originally Posted by UFGator
Why would you ever walk 3 hours straight at a fast pace? That is so inefficient and, shall I say, extreme overkill.

Dude, all you need for an intense cutting is 20-30 minutes of rather intense HIIT training, with or without weights (with weights, high reps, fast motion)

Right there is 2.5 hours that you saved :)

Because it’s tried and tested. It requires a lot of time indeed, but the results are astounding and I’m sticking to it. :) 4 of my friends do the same thing and 1 of them was 2nd on national bodybuilding competition.

Low intensity cardio is best solution for burning directly fat and maintaining as much muscle as possible for someone natural. HIIT burns both fat and muscle like crazy and I’d do it only on juice (i.e. with hormonal support). But let’s not get off topic here. ;)

Originally Posted by UFGator
I should add…

You gained pretty quickly at the newbie stage and then everything kind of stalled for you a bit, right?

Not really, my gains have been progressive, just like my routine. Maybe you remember my faulty measuring technique that had me claiming some impressive newbie gains that didn’t actually happen. :/

Originally Posted by UFGator
Maybe a good cold turkey decon break would be something to try? Just completely stop for a few months. Then when you come back, you might be somewhat of a newbie again. You go back to the same routine you used to gain initially, you quickly make-up what you lost, PLUS some more :)

Yes, that might be a good idea. Though I’d like to hear some more experiences with quitting cold turkey from people who already tried it before taking the risk myself.

Hey bro. If you dont have a lot of time for PE right now, you should try wearing an ADS for a couple of hours during you day while you are going about your daily task.

Also if you are going to be studying a lot at home, you could always hang. You can sit down at your desk and hang in the straight downwards angle with light weight for 20 minutes per set while you are studying.

This would be perfect since you are focused on length right now.

(Starting size) (NBPEL: 8 Inches), (BPEL: 8.5 Inches) (BPFSL: Didn't measure then), (Midshaft Girth: 5.2 Inches), (Base Girth: 5.5 Inches)
(Current size) (NBPEL: 9.3 Inches), (BPEL: 9.7 Inches), (BPFSL: 10.3 Inches), (Midshaft Girth: 5.8 Inches), (Base Girth: 6.35 Inches)
(Final Goal) To be the next Mandingo LOL.


I’ve given hanging a thought already and I don’t have enough money for it right now. Homemade vacuum hanger was a failure, monkeybar’s is too expensive and I don’t have enough money to order velcro to make a wench.

What do you guys think about doing Edging while in a decon break?? Is it good or should we consider edging as a routine?

Start (october 2010) : BPEL 18,5 cm ; EL 17,5 cm ; MSEG 13,75 cm ,BEG 14,25 cm ;FL 12 cm ; FG 10,75 cm ; BPFSL 18,5 cm

3 months later ( January 2011) : BPEL 19 cm ; EL 18 cm ; MSEG 14 cm ; BEG 14,5 cm FL (hard to say if it grows due to size shifting of the soft state.. The same as before or bigger!) ; FG 11 cm ; BPFSL 19 cm***all hard sizes taken @ my hardest and doing a kegel***Goal: cementing a round 18 x 14 hard coupled with a good EQ.

Originally Posted by Smegma
What do you guys think about doing Edging while in a decon break?? Is it good or should we consider edging as a routine?

Ahh, I just ask the same question on the thread that you opened.

Originally Posted by Smegma

What do you guys think about doing Edging while in a decon break?? Is it good or should we consider edging as a routine?

Continue edging (and ballooning) with a very light/loose grip.

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