Thunder's Place

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Taking A Break

Taking A Break

Hey guys,

I have been PE’ing for 2 months now. I have not measured yet so I don’t know of any gains, but I do know my penis have started to really bend/twist to the left and I think that would have caused me to lose .5 in length. I will measure tonight perhaps and see.

Basically my penis is really sore, the head has a feeling like it is rubbed raw basically. I don’t have much sexual feeling in my penis and it’s hard to get an erection with masturbating. Now I don’t think I went too intensely on PE or that’s the reason.. I think it is I am addicted to masturbation. I masturbate every single day.

I have been following JP’s 90 day. What I have been doing is watching porn, masturbating and doing my routine within my masturbation session. A lot of the time I end up masturbating more than doing PE and end up going for 40+ minutes because I put off my PE exercises, and I don’t want to cum until I finish them all. I consider this to be edging however since I reach the PONR multiple times and hold it off, then when I finally do all the penis exercises I cum.

I have not been doing kegels as religiously as I should.. However I haven’t missed a PE session yet. (2 days on 1 day off) I think my problem is I am addicted to porn so much is has caused some sort of ED. I think my penis is getting twisted and bent because it is mostly soft while masturbating and trying to get it up, and I think that causes it to not be straight and to bend and twist in all directions if you get what I mean (from frantically trying to get it hard and basically jerking it in all directions while switching hands and palm orientation). My penis just feels.. Bent out of shape, Sore, Rubbed Raw, Over stimulated.. It sorta feels numb. And I think I need to take a decon break.

Here is what I am going to do!

1. Abstain from masturbating completely (and obviously porn as well.. Only sex with the girlfriend is allowed)
2. Take a break from PE, I will only do kegels(in hopes to make up for the kegels I haven’t done)
3. Start PE back up but do it correctly all the way. (Warm up, perfect jelqs, kegels)

I am hoping I can restore sensitivity to my penis, be able to get erections easier and get harder ones, cut porn and masturbation out of my PE routine (Except for edging) and start getting some massive gains. And I hope leaving my penis alone for awhile will help make the curve go away.
Now my questions to you guys..

1. How long should I take a break for? Would it be bad to take a month break?

2. If I do take a break.. Will I lose the 2 months I have done and have to start JP’s 90 days over again in order to be advanced enough to try new exercises ect..

3. How do I incorporate edging into my PE sessions.. Also Supra Slammers are something I am interested in trying.. But how do I incorporate them into my routine later one.. Is that not a PE sessions where you have to masturbate throughout.. (Similar to what I am doing now?) Would I do all my jelqs and vjelqs first.. Then start the Supra Slammers?

I know this is a long post but I need the help and answers and I would really.. REALLY appreciate all your help and expertise.

I’m willing to bet that most of your EQ problems are the result of abusing porn, I’ve had similar issues in the past and cutting back on the porn helped a lot.

For me, watching too much porn overstimulates the brain to the point where it’s difficult to get an erection even with the most hardcore porn in front of you.

I’d stick to the newbie routine but dial down the intensity after taking a break. I’d say take a break from everything, especially porn, until EQ returns and your penis doesn’t feel sore. Then SLOWLY start PE again with a low intensity newbie routine.

I wouldn’t worry too much about losing gains, better than losing the ability to have an erection!

Thank you.

Should I go through the entire 3 months over again?

Or should I count the 2 I have already done and just do a third.

I’d say to start over completely. I’m a newbie myself but I believe part of the point of the newbie routine is to condition your penis and increase EQ. It seems you haven’t benefitted in either of these avenuesvso best to start over and take it slowly.

Good luck and I look forward to what more experienced PEers have to say myself.

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