Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

After a break ... question

After a break ... question

After hanging for a couple of weeks, the last which was very intense (I finally got the wrapping issue solved), I started back up tonight. I had exhausted my tool to the point that I could only hang much lighter weight. So I’ve taken nearly a 4 day break.

Before the break I was hanging 10 pounds SD. This was max. Tonight 10 pounds feels like 7.5 did prior to the break. Is this normal following a break? Does it indicate anything?

Just asking because I find more motivation in not just shooting for my goal, but understanding what is taking place along the way.

Thanks for any input.



"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there\'s a gun around, I want to be controlling it." Clint Eastwood

Originally Posted by marty5379
After hanging for a couple of weeks, the last which was very intense (I finally got the wrapping issue solved), I started back up tonight. I had exhausted my tool to the point that I could only hang much lighter weight. So I’ve taken nearly a 4 day break.

Marty, you got your prick in the condition you want it, fatigued and unable to hang as much weight. This is where you want to get and hang as much as possible in order to promote plastic elongation of the tissues.

Before the break I was hanging 10 pounds SD. This was max. Tonight 10 pounds feels like 7.5 did prior to the break. Is this normal following a break? Does it indicate anything?

To me it says “I properly fatigued my shaft and had gotten to the point of making permanent gains. At this time I rested, and let my shaft recover, and it is now stronger, making it more difficult to get to the fatigued state”.

The goal is to get to where you can only hang a much lighter weight. Get to this point again, and ride it for all you can…

Just asking because I find more motivation in not just shooting for my goal, but understanding what is taking place along the way.

That’s a great attitude which will help assure long term success.

Thanks for any input.


You’re Welcome :)

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Good job RB.


Originally Posted by RB
Marty, you got your prick in the condition you want it, fatigued and unable to hang as much weight. This is where you want to get and hang as much as possible in order to promote plastic elongation of the tissues.

Thanks for the input RB … and for Bib’s seconding the motion. This is almost as motivational as measuring a gain - realizing that I finally hit the nail on the head. I will certainly take all the advice and patiently work to the point of fatigue again. I’ll let you know when that happens, the signs/symptoms, etc.

Thanks, again!



"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there\'s a gun around, I want to be controlling it." Clint Eastwood

While I have the ears of two men who know, I want to ask another question:

Last night I hung after about a 4 day break. There was still a small amount of soreness, but hardly noticeable. I only hung for two 20 minute sessions. Tonight when I began hanging … dang, it was sore as hell. But after about maybe 5 minutes of hanging the soreness went away and once again 10 pounds felt similiar to what 7.5 did before the break.

My question: Is this basically the common “feel” that you get after a break?

As I sit here hanging tonight the 10 pounds does feel heavier than it did last night, but nothing like before the break. From the feel I have at this time I can’t help but think exhaustion may come sooner than later. But this may be due in part to uping the weight 2.5 (although I hung SD with 10 at least one set before the break).

Also, I do one set of SO with 12.5 pounds. Last night I could really feel the pull behind my balls. From what I remember reading, this is the proper feel for SO hanging.

Thanks again for taking the time to respond. I am all ears. And thank you Mr. Bib for this great product, not to mention the timely service you provided to the order.



"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there\'s a gun around, I want to be controlling it." Clint Eastwood


>Last night I hung after about a 4 day break. There was still a small amount of soreness, but hardly noticeable. I only hung for two 20 minute sessions. Tonight when I began hanging … dang, it was sore as hell. But after about maybe 5 minutes of hanging the soreness went away and once again 10 pounds felt similiar to what 7.5 did before the break.<

Maybe you did not totally lose the wave. After reaching total fatigue, usually one, or at most two days off would make things right for me. Then, I could start back up and get the fatigue going fairly quickly.

There really is no telling what you were feeling tonight. It could have been simply a sensitive weak limiting factor giving way. Then, after it failed, everything felt fine. No way to judge.

>My question: Is this basically the common “feel” that you get after a break?<

I had several induced breaks while I was PEing, the longest for nine days. I remember it almost felt as if I was a newbie for a while. But within a month or so, I was back to my pre-break max weight.

>As I sit here hanging tonight the 10 pounds does feel heavier than it did last night, but nothing like before the break. From the feel I have at this time I can’t help but think exhaustion may come sooner than later. But this may be due in part to uping the weight 2.5 (although I hung SD with 10 at least one set before the break).<

When the fatigue hits, just lower the weight till you can handle it. When you get really low, say five lbs., then stop. Soon you will be able to judge what your schedule for the day might be. How many sets to fatigue etc. But of course, sometimes your dick will fool you.

>Also, I do one set of SO with 12.5 pounds. Last night I could really feel the pull behind my balls. From what I remember reading, this is the proper feel for SO hanging.<

You are correct. You were hitting the entire tunica, all the way to the internal anchor points.

>Thanks again for taking the time to respond. I am all ears. And thank you Mr. Bib for this great product, not to mention the timely service you provided to the order.<

You are welcome. Thanks for the kind words.


Good job Bib.



Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

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