Thunder's Place

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Deconditioning Break Time - Need A Little Help

Deconditioning Break Time - Need A Little Help

Well, it looks like it’s sadly time for me to take a little deconditioning break for about a month. :( My gains have come but very slowly and I feel if anything this first decon break I take till October will lead to maybe a jumpstart in quicker gains. It will also be a good learning expierence to see how my dick reacts to no stress for a couple weeks (maybe jelq 3 times a week to maintain gains).

So since I am commiting to this starting today September, 6, 2005, I would like to know from other people here at Thunder’s what there expiereces with decon breaks were? What did there dicks feel like after the break (was there dicks stretchy, girthy feeling, pliable, tough, etc)? Did they make quick gains after and what did they do after the decon break and how much gains did they achieve?

Thank you to anyone who makes a post to this thread. This is going to be tough not having to PE for about a month (although I’ll admit I’m a little burned out at the moment, might just be lack of sleep). I have been PE’ing straight for 7 months without a break and nows the time. Wish me luck everyone. Time to put the Punctuated PE theory to the test. :)

Last edited by LoveMachine : 09-06-2005 at .

Just do it.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Are you sure? j/k :)

I had a lot of success with breaks early on. I think they are a good idea it’s also good for the soul to step away once in a while and show PE your still the master.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

with my break that lasted a month, I didn t lose any of my gains. I think its important to remain a healthy sexlife during that period (frequent erections etc).


Good luck with your deconditioning and I wish you would see jumpstart gains when you resume it.

I guess you won’t lose any gains you made as your gains are slow as you said and you have probably cemented those slow gains.

Perhaps you can do edging to keep harder/bigger errections.

I’ve PE’d for about 5 months. I was getting frustrated because my gains started to really slow down. I went on a camping trip for about 10 days and didn’t PE. WHen I started back again I noticed I gained a little. I’m almost at my goal of 8 inches. Although the gain was only about 1/8 of an inch it was enough to get me enthused about PE. I’m about 99% certain I’ll reach my length goal now. Only need 1/8 inch. Now I’m thinking I’ll probably shoot for 8 1/4 just to feel I have a healthy 8 inches.

One guy mentioned to measure your stretched size daily. I find this helps as I see a slight gain every few days. This helps me to keep up the spirits. 1/16 inch every 2 weeks means an inch a year.

Just came off a 4 month decon break. Started out as a 2 month thing that got caught up in the summer. Must say my ligs are feeling pretty fatigued after my finishing PEing, but I do make a point to achieve that soreness whenever PEing. As for quick gains, well I’ll let you know how that’s going.

Progress Tracking As of 01/01/05 : 6.5 BPEL x 5.25 G As of 04/08/05 : 6.75 BPEL x 5.25 G Short Term Goal : 7 BPEL Long Term Goal : When a trip to china and getting on the great wall means hopping on my member

Cool, thanks for the replys guys. :) It’s been pretty hard the first day of the decon break already but I assume it should get easier the more I don’t PE.

Originally Posted by LoveMachine
Cool, thanks for the replys guys. :) It’s been pretty hard the first day of the decon break already but I assume it should get easier the more I don’t PE.

Yes, it gets easier. I am finding it very relieving, I wish you the best of luck.

Good luck, hope things stay the way they are and get better when you get back. ;)

8 nbp| x |5.8"

Stats|:mwink: |Pics!

I can't stand Diet Coke. Does anyone know where I can see pics of a girl with a regular Coke can up her ass? - Chad66 (:

Originally Posted by LoveMachine
Cool, thanks for the replys guys. :) It’s been pretty hard the first day of the decon break already but I assume it should get easier the more I don’t PE.

I usaully only shake for the first week by the third week you don’t even miss it which makes it hard when you want to start back up.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I’m seriously considering a little break too. My bpsfl is now 7-3/4 inches.My bpel is 7-1/4 inches.That’s almost a quarter inch of erect length in two and a half months.I’ve been hanging ten pounds two hours a day with no rest days.I’m really psyched about my gains and I’m not in pain or anything,but I feel like it’s time to either take a break or up the weight, as I almost don’t even notice it when I’m hanging anymore.Any thoughts guys?

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