Finding time sucks
I tell you having the summer off was great I had time for the gym and time for my girl!! Now I’m back to hanging and haven’t been to the gym in two weeks and also have been blowing off the girlfriend for time to hang, I’m going to have to get this beast under control before I become mole man again. Dam I like the feel of weights hanging off my dick it’s an additive feeling the constant pulling and stretching is a great feeling. I noticed I have been staying up to late so I could grab some more time and than I can barley drag my ass out of bed in the morning. Well today I put the beast back in his cage I’m getting two sessions in than I’m going to the gym before work. Any of you other guys battling the beast and trying to find time for hanging and the rest of your life.
I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)