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Finding time sucks


Finding time sucks

I tell you having the summer off was great I had time for the gym and time for my girl!! Now I’m back to hanging and haven’t been to the gym in two weeks and also have been blowing off the girlfriend for time to hang, I’m going to have to get this beast under control before I become mole man again. Dam I like the feel of weights hanging off my dick it’s an additive feeling the constant pulling and stretching is a great feeling. I noticed I have been staying up to late so I could grab some more time and than I can barley drag my ass out of bed in the morning. Well today I put the beast back in his cage I’m getting two sessions in than I’m going to the gym before work. Any of you other guys battling the beast and trying to find time for hanging and the rest of your life.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I have been known to forego food for days at a time rather than disrupt my hanging.
I hear you loud and clear Moleman.

- The Bat


I just back at the gym today at 4:30 a.m. (just about the time Cappy goes to bed). I have neglected my gym workouts all summer. So now I have put on 10-15 lbs of FAT and lost my muscle tone. I have a Milwaukee Tumor (beer belly) that I can barely fit in my pants. I am also dieting again which means no alcohol until Saturday nites when I take out Mrs 7 or go play cards with our friends. I shed 40 lbs over the past couple of years and it pisses me off to put on any weight at all. But it is totally my fault.

Just like you, I often will do either my PE regimen OR my gym workouts, not enough time for both. Now that my kids are back in school my wife will be taking them back and forth everyday. So I have decided to go to the gym at 4:30 a.m., do the workout, shower there and come right to work. Should be here by 7:00 a.m. with enough time to hang a session or two and pump till about 8:22 with just enough time to neaten up and get ready for my staff to come in at 8:30.

I hope I hit my goal within the next decade so I dont have to do this forever.


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

heh, heh, heh… you said staff… heh, heh….

Sorry, guys, just had a major Butthead moment there… man, 789, 04:30, that’s hardcore to say the least!

I always admire those guys who have the discipline to hit the gym at that hour… I find that I usually am good for about six months of workouts before I am feeling seriously overtrained, so good luck on the new routine and watch the burnout factor…



I have ben working out for a few years now and yeah I do get burned out. Last time I was working out twice a day five days a week and once a day on the weekends. Now that after a year is called burnout. Even with my small amount of pudge, I am still in better shape than most 40 something year old guys, certainly not a hard body, but adequately shaped arms and chest.

I am very hopeful that with my early morning routine I will be able to do both the PE and the gym to a new level of success.


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

My man! Twice a day! I take it that’s when you lost the 40#’s. That seems like some sort of mankilling routine.

Were you on “supplements” at the time? I know that the “Double Split” routine was popular until a few years ago, when people started to realize the sheer volume of “supplements” that the pros were taking… or were you doing cardio every day? Either way, that’s quite an achievement. I always love to see an older, built guy in the gym… gives me hope as I climb the hill towards 40…:D


Many years from now, when I’m your age, I hope I’m as motivated to stay in shape as you 789. :up:

Originally Posted by 789
I have a Milwaukee Tumor (beer belly)

:rolling: @ above comment

Amen Dino. I find myself running down to the “Lab” when I get 20 or more minutes of free time with no one in the house. I get bummed when I cant get my scheduled workouts and pe in, due to time constraints.

cead mile failte :lep:

I’m in school, so my schedule isn’t that damn hectic. It also is very helpful that my current girlfriend lives about 6 hours away ATM, so I don’t need to make time for here. *I say it like its a good think, but I’m just trying to be positive about it :( * I wake up at about 6 to do my workout and then go to classes from 10:00- 3:00 Then at three start studying and hang while I’m studying. If your a student who has there own room it is easy to train yourself to hang while your studying.

Current stats- 7.75" BPEL X 5.25 EG Goals- 8.5BPEL X 6.00 EG

Originally Posted by CaptnHook
Many years from now, when I’m your age, I hope I’m as motivated to stay in shape as you 789. :up:

I am coming your way in a few weeks and do you think I want you to tell everyone here that I look like Michael Moore because I have turned into a fat obnoxious slob? No way Jose.

Oh and Cappy, this time I am not falling for that “hey you have a hard body, let me see how far down that six pack really goes” line when I see you.

Oh yeah and one more thing. What kind of food does that killer dog of your like? I want to be prepared.

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG


That is hardcore bro, I tried that at one time I belonged to an open all night gym I ended up falling asleep on the bench press only for a few seconds but it ended my early morning workouts.

The gym I go to now is only a few minutes from the house so I just got back I worked out for 1.5 hours and now I’m back hanging before work. I learned a long time ago to sneak in a hanging sessions when ever you can even if you only have 20 minutes.

Hey Cappybat

I’m going to stop and eat now well after my 20 minutes are done :)


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by 789
Oh and Cappy, this time I am not falling for that “hey you have a hard body, let me see how far down that six pack really goes” line when I see you.

You act like you’ve never been punched in the groin before. :confused:

btw- the dog really likes to sink her teeth into Italian.

One other thing about Dino’s “finding time” issue:
One common denominator seems to be that hangers spend the most time PEing, which is interesting because hangers boast the loudest about how it “free’s you up” to do other things while working your routine.
All it really free’s up is your ability to surf the web, read, watch TV, post online, and maybe - if your job allows - the time to get some work done.
These concerns, that we can become alienated as a result of our obsession, are very real. Without going too far into it, I can attest to how PE lends itself to isolation (not that I mind - I kinda like hanging with myself <—-oh snap!).

If you can handle that isolation, great; you’ll get the gains. If you can’t, you need to be careful about placing too much hope in sporting a Bib size unit within the next 10 years or so.
Such gains come at a price.

Good point cappy very true, It is great if you can combine hanging with other things. I fix PC’s and little do my customers know that I’m hanging while I fix their PC’s sometimes, unfortunately I can’t do that on site but when I have a PC at my work area at home I can. It’s also very rewarding when you can make money and grow dick at the same time. It’s also great while reading the forum and seeing what you other nuts are up to.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

A lot of great nuggets of insight in this thread. Most of them are obvious to us hangers, but it’s still fun to bitch about the time that hanging takes out of our lives.

Dino, same here, the first thing I blow off is the gym. I’m worried that as I get older the love-handles/gut will
be harder to keep under control. As I mentioned before, there is an expiration date to my PE endeavor. It simply eats up too much time.

7s, can you go two posts without mentioning how fat you think you are? You sound like a broad.
Just messin’ with you buddy. Let me know when you’re coming up around these parts for a visit.

Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgh! ~Howard Dean Illustrations & Diagrams PE -- What's it all about? Read this.

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