Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Third attempt... Third time lucky?

Third attempt... Third time lucky?

Ok guys, bear with me, this’ll be long-winded but I’ll try to be concise as possible.

Ok, for my first attempt, I signed up to a website program. I was told to build up gradually, which I did, I followed it to the letter. After two months, I had no noticeable gains and I decided to throw in the towel for the time being. Results were promised after three weeks or maybe a little longer. But I thought, “I’ve done this for two months, surely I should see SOME improvement?” What it consisted of was warming up, some stretches and jelqing.

Second attempt - this time I decided on concentrating on jelqing alone, as I thought this was the crux of the whole program, I thought perhaps the rest of it was a waste of time. I did it for two months, 30 minute sessions with two days on, one day off.

I did notice my penis getting bigger during the jelqing sessions and it lasted for a little while after the session. But permanent gains they were not, this gain was only to be seen in my penis’ dormant state. Upon arousal, no difference in size was noted. I had to call time on that though, since I was getting bad aches in my fingers (RSI I guess), so I decided on having a break. Hey, I want a bigger dick, but not at the expense of my fingers. I had a break for well over a month now and thank God, my fingers have recovered.

I’m gonna switch my technique to the overhand one which I think will help. Aside to my finger aches (trying to get a solid grip), my dick also swelled up at the end on occassion. Was I using to much force? I was going by the old saying “No pain, no gain,” but then I thought… “I’m fucking my fingers up.”

Then I found this place, and I want to give it another good crack. It’ll be tougher this time, as in the coming months, I forsee myself getting less and less time to do it. That’ll probably be down getting less ‘secure’ private time.

For my next trick, I’m going to try out the regulars’ routine listed here. Warm up cloth, stretches, jelq, warm down. Pray to God it works. Or do you think I should start with the newb routine? I think my dick can take it though.

So guys, can anyone tell me why wasn’t it working for me? Can anybody tell me what I should try next? Perhaps I just needed to stick at it longer, but looking around here a bit, it seems quite a few of you are getting gains at about where I called time.

Oh and I’m all about manual exercises, I’m not keen on the weights or the pumps. Your insight and input is very much appreciated.

Perseverence pays off and 2 months is not enough time for a lot of people. Check out SS4’s progress thread.


I agree with memento’s observation that 2 months is not enough. I noticed my girth gains first with 1/4” in 6-8 months after starting. I noticed my length gain of 1/4” after 10 months. My flaccid hang is much bigger now and I started seeing that at around 4-5 months.

Please stay within the pleasurable/slight discomfort range and avoid any pain, especially when you’re just starting all over again. After many months you’ll be able to feel the intensity you should strive for.

I kept cautiously at 50 medium-intensity jelqs every other day for a month. When I noticed the red spots coming on I layed off a little (few days/weeks) and continued later on with more intensity.

Good luck with gains and motivation.

Sep. 2003: 7" bpel x 5" eg June 2004: 7 & 1/4" bp x 5 & 3/8" eg Jan. 2005: 7.5 x 5.5 Goal: 8x6 "I always knew pe existed but didn't know where to start, until I found Thundersplace."

You threw in the towel too soon, Skeletor.

Welcome to Thunder’s.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Keep at it, dude. Good things come to those who wait.

Thanks for the support guys. I did actually manage four months, all-in-all, although there was a slight break in between *ahem*.

I can understand the patience, but looking through some of the posts here, I’m seeing quite a few guys reporting some remarkable gains within a short period of time. It makes you a bit peeved.

Oh well, better get started… again.

I think it all depends on the person. I have seen results in as little as 2 weeks

Skeltor: I am “possitive” I have the answer for you.

One thing I did for a long time, maybe 4 months, was pure Jelqing, not too hard not too soft and I saw minimal gains. I think it’s quite possible for almost anyone, even guys who’ve “just” started PE to make very noticable PSG’s (Post Session Gains) but I don’t think it’s possible from casual Jelqing.

What I learned after 4 months of medium soft Jelqing, is that the longer you hold presure on your dick, the more it will expand. One Jelq usually lasts only 3-8 seconds and you know…. that doesn’t really seem to do much for me.

I do medium pressure Ulis, (Squeezing at the base with 75 - 95%) errections and I make them last looong, like 15 - 45 seconds. The idea is to keep pushing the pockets that hold blood in the spungy tissue, outwards/expanding for as long as it takes to see the sometimes incredible post sessions gains that come for me “every” time.. it usually takes about 30 - 50 mintes but I’m almost possitive that it’ll work for almost anyone, as long as you keep at the prolonged Squeeze.. maximizing the engorement of the penis.

This takes lots of stimulation because the prolonged Uli/squeezes tend to dampen the errection…. BTW .. Adding a downward bend, or against the natural curve of you penis is a really intense form of maximizing the expansion of the blood pockets as well…, but be really carefull with these, you’ll feel a lot of pain if you go too hard while errect.

I better mention as well that I’m getting a lot of discoloration from this and recently I had blood come out of my penis which I’m sure is a result of squeezing too hard at the base, damaging the Uretha. Right now I’m still working on cementing these gains, the amazing sometimes 1” gain in girth I get doesn’t last long, it fades away gradually over the course of 3-6 hours… but if you keep at it, it starts to stay bigger for longer and longer, until it’s permanent.

Message back for more information on how to deal with the discoloration and the rest of the scary stuff.. they’re remedies for these things. Cheers.

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