Thunder's Place

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Maybe it is time for a break

Maybe it is time for a break

Hi everybody,

i am just wondering why jelqing/stretching is working for some and does not for others. I mean would might be a reason (maybe it has a psychological reason?). I tried long and short session with no and many days off for approximately 6 months now. Results are extremely poor. Even quitted smoking and do more sports for a better blood circulation.

What do you guys think. May there still be chances for me to gain manually (anyone who had no gains in the first 6 months but got any later?)? At the moment i have the view that i should stop until i have enough privacy, which will be in about half a year and start hanging. I lived for 24 years with my dick size, so another 6 months will not make a big difference.

Would be nice to hear your opinions. For the newbies: Do NOT get frustrated or stop believing when you read posts like this one because jelqing/stretching does work! I am just one of the unlucky.


Just stay positive:) keep doing at least what your doing now until you have the time to hang and even if end up a quarter inch bigger by the time your able to hang it’s still something. Not to mention a penis thats more healthy and you will most likely have more control also.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Maybe it’s time to take a break or maybe it’s time to intensify your routine!

Well done on quiting smoking. Thats no failure. It takes upto 6 months for carbonmonxide and other toxins to clear from the blood. Once thats gone, it can only help with PE

Post your routine and gains, if any….


at the moment i am stretching 10-15 minutes and jelq about 20-30 minutes 5 days a week.

i do warm ups and sometimes warm downs.

There are no length gains. Once i though there had been some, but i think i just had better erections (which is quiet nice). Girth gains: that is hard to say, my girth is a bit over 5, but i had not measured it when i started. Maybe a little gain there.

I reckon i am taking the whole thing a bit to serious. There where times when i used to wake up at 5 o’clock in the morning just to do my routine before the others in house got up. Until i get my own place i will do my routine whenever i have time and privacy.Try not to measure anymore (because i became ruler addicted since i started PE’ing). Will only measure every few months.

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