Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Experienced uncut hangers

Originally Posted by passwurdz
Hey audacia hows the hanging going. Have you managed to get it working yet.

I wrote this yesterday (Deleted the irrelevant stuff)

Originally Posted by Audacia

Bib suggested I needed more wrapped flaccid girth. I also made the theraband not as wide so I could stretch it more then moved the bottom hex nuts out. I felt my internals being gripped a lot more when I tried this.

I haven’t really tested it out enough yet and have had to take the past week plus, maybe a few more days off.

Since this is the first of the month I measured and I actually think I have a gain of about 0.1 inches :D (Not 100% sure). But I’d attribute any gains from manual stretches which I’ve been doing the past 2 weeks. Hanging hasn’t given me fatigue since way over a month ago.

This coming month I will probably only experiment with hanging techniques and continue doing manual stretches since I actually am getting fatigue from it.

I mean there’s no point hanging 2+ hours a day being uncomfortable if my technique sucks and aren’t getting fatigue.

I know what I’m like though, so in a week or so if my technique improves I’ll do both hanging and the stretches! Will keep you updated.

Originally Posted by Audacia
I wrote this yesterday (Deleted the irrelevant stuff)

Since this is the first of the month I measured and I actually think I have a gain of about 0.1 inches :D (Not 100% sure). But I’d attribute any gains from manual stretches which I’ve been doing the past 2 weeks. Hanging hasn’t given me fatigue since way over a month ago.

This coming month I will probably only experiment with hanging techniques and continue doing manual stretches since I actually am getting fatigue from it.

I mean there’s no point hanging 2+ hours a day being uncomfortable if my technique sucks and aren’t getting fatigue.

I know what I’m like though, so in a week or so if my technique improves I’ll do both hanging and the stretches! Will keep you updated.

That is not a bad point. I’m doing manual stretches to the right side because the right side has the lig you want to stretch. You should get a sports glove with some grip on them and some baby powder or something like that. I’m doing that now.

Having not done any PE since July/August, I did 6 weeks of hanging at Christmas, I racked up about 100hrs at 3kg (no weight increase), usually did 2hrs of OTS and 1 of SD with a couple of lighter days per week. I’m now about 1/16 off having gained an inch in total. I went from 6.4 to 6.85, 0.1 was a regain from pe earlier in the year.

However I’m now doing the newbie routine. It never worked in the past for me, but I’m giving it a go as jelqing is now so much easier with the extra length.

The other thing is, I’m using my Bib to do the manual stretches up, left, down, right, so, and btc. I’ve got 7kg on the rope, every 30 seconds I move and do 2 repititions of each stretch. I find its more consistent than using my hand. I get a great grip, I’m delivering consistent and monitorable force in each stretch, plus I’m using a piece of equipment I already own.

Someone is bound to ask why I stopped hanging. It was driving me mental, doing 30-45 minutes 2 days on and 1 off is so much better. Thats 3.5-4hrs per week instead of 17. I’m still using my ADS, but not so much on the off days.

As an extra point, with hanging purely 3kg I never experienced the fatigue that I did when I had hung heavier weights, but I still gained. It was a bit of an experiment.

Last edited by stuzilla : 02-01-2011 at .

One thing I’ll say as uncut guy, if you want girth, it is very easy. Get lube and pull skin back as much as you can and jelq downward with a 60 percent erection. You can get massive girth if you practice jelqing. I’ve got a ton of girth to the point where it’s thick looking.

Originally Posted by ESPNSports
One thing I’ll say as uncut guy, if you want girth, it is very easy. Get lube and pull skin back as much as you can and jelq downward with a 60 percent erection. You can get massive girth if you practice jelqing. I’ve got a ton of girth to the point where it’s thick looking.

How does having a foreskin play any factor in this? Couldn’t a cut guy, if he has loose skin pull whatever is there back and do the same and if his skin is tight he could jelq the same way without any skin pulling. I’ve jelqed for ages, all different kinds and gained very little girth.

It would be good if there was something That I could roll on to my dick for wrapping. So I could hold my dick in place with one hand and roll the wrap on with the other, it would be easier and quicker.

Finger bob=

If there was something penis sized like the tubi grip and rolled on like the finger bob.

I thought I should add that today is the first time I feel like I have mastered the wrap, I have hung 6x20 mins today with no problems or discomfort. I used a normal bandage only and used just enough to wrap round twice. I placed the bib on 3/4 up my shaft, tightened then pulled down slowly until it caught under my head if that makes sense, It really gripped my dick and felt good. So I’m happy today, hopefully tomorrow is the same.

I guess I’ll try and sum up what I’ve been up too. I’ve done 1-2 sets a day for the past few days. Every session is different.

I tried using a thin under wrap, made of a strip from an old shirt then some theraband, the hanger settings had be slightly wider for this which is what I wanted. I often feel pressure on my underside (CS chamber) so bib suggested I needed more wrap and then move out. So I added even a little more, a 12 inch strip, probably twice as thick as the shirt material. Adding that made things comfortable but the hanger just didn’t seem to grip the internals enough so it slipped to close to the head, and the head became engorged.

Originally Posted by kimc
I thought I should add that today is the first time I feel like I have mastered the wrap, I have hung 6x20 mins today with no problems or discomfort. I used a normal bandage only and used just enough to wrap round twice. I placed the bib on 3/4 up my shaft, tightened then pulled down slowly until it caught under my head if that makes sense, It really gripped my dick and felt good. So I’m happy today, hopefully tomorrow is the same.

That’s kind of what I used to do. I just user a piece of theraband and made sure to pulse push forward so it was just behind the glans then finished tightening. But I found it would slip a little during the set and the head would turn right.

I thought I was getting closer, but it seems every hanging session I need to adjust the wrap or hanger settings so nothing is consistent. If you fancied posting a pics & explanation if you have things perfected I’d appreciate seeing.

Audacia when I get a new phone next moth I will put up pics.

My hanging is going so well now, I’m hanging 16 pounds at the moment and getting great fatigue. I did try 24 pounds out of curiosity and it felt fine but no point when I’m fatiguing on 16.

You should sit for a couple of hours watching TV or a movie and just mess about with your wrap, that’s what I did.

Originally Posted by kimc
Audacia when I get a new phone next moth I will put up pics.

My hanging is going so well now, I’m hanging 16 pounds at the moment and getting great fatigue. I did try 24 pounds out of curiosity and it felt fine but no point when I’m fatiguing on 16.

You should sit for a couple of hours watching TV or a movie and just mess about with your wrap, that’s what I did.

Appreciate it ;)

Wow, 16lbs is a lot! I had a lot of trouble when I moved up to 8lbs a few months back so am just messing about at 5lbs and I’m still fucking things up having it ache. One thing I need to do is adapt to the attachment point stresses. But I often have my CS chamber hurting. I’ll keep at it experimenting anyway.

Is your hanger toed in or out?

When you said I should practice wrapping? I’m not sure thats the exact problem. I can’t really find an underwrap that is very stretchy though. I cut up an old T-Shirt then the sides curled up for some reason. So I’m using a strip of old shirt which isn’t stretchy. Then the theraband I put over top squeezes and compresses it down. But you think I’d benefit from messing about with the wrap, applying it and re-applying it over and over in different places? I don’t even stretch my penis out the whole time whilst wrapping, bib advised me to but then said just do what I feel comfortable with. Maybe I’ll practice the stretching out technique.

Congratulations on your progress too!

I have tried to get pics but they are awful, I might try a video.

I would like to add that I’ve been trying hanging with the foreskin 1/4 over the head lately when wrapping and it’s 100% easier, I thought this would just cause skin stretch but it’s not, I can feel A very slight pull on the skin but it’s grabbing the internal structure far better and my fatigue seems to be rocketing again, I did have a few days without it.while there’s lots of “I’m uncut and can’t get the hanger right” threads out there, it seems uncut guys get allot of advice off cut guys that doesn’t help. I searched all over and came across threads on other forums including bibs where uncut guys find it easier to hang with at least part of the foreskin over the head when wrapping. I don’t think allot of guys will try this thinking it’s only skin that will be stretched but this needs to happen anyway.

Gains or it doesn’t matter, sorry but that sounds like classic skin hanging.

does anyone have a solution for preventing discoloration. No matter what I can’t find a way to hang without bad discoloration. I am uncut

11.01.2006: BPEL: 17,3 cm (6,8 inches), EG: 13,5 cm (5,3 inches)

03.11.2011: BPEL: 20,5 cm (8,1 inches), EG: 16 cm (6,3 inches)

-- For people who stopped gaining length --> Gaining volume 2 -- Progress log: Wurst's progress log --

Hi guys,let me tell you my experience with hanging.I started hanging in February 2010 because I had almost no results with the newbie routine and manual stretches.So I made my own model of hanger inspired by the bib hanger and modified it like 30 times until I could hang with it.
The first few months passed and I could see that hanging is working but I had really big issues since I’m uncut and even with only 4 lbs it was hard to get a good set without great discomfort.
I decided to upgrade to a bib starter and got it.I must say that it was even harder to hang with the bib than with my own hanger.I must say that all my gains come from those few months of hanging but unfortunately I could not continue because of great discomfort and discoloration on the head.
I have not gained anything for almost 7 months now.
Recently I researched about other methods of grip and I remembered about the Vacuum method and after reading many positive things about it I decide it to give it a try.
Well let me tell you that all the problems I had before with hanging are now history.It is amazingly comfortable.I purchased the vac ads and it is mainly for low weights but even so I am able to hang 6.5lbs with no problems.I’m thinking to get the hanger also because for higher weights,the ads will not make it.

Anyway I think the only way for uncut hangers to effectively hang is Vacuum hanging.


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