BPFSL elongation protocol with ultrasound-induced heat and sophisticated exercises.
BPEL development protocol with the emphasis on the volumetric expansion.
DECON Extended de- conditioning break for the total recovery of the tissue.
I am going to walk through few things learned and developed during the intensive project documented in the first volume.
The key elements of what I have learned due to the process are to be shared at the moments relevant to ongoing circumstances.
These introductions are aimed to be simplified to the bones and the principles are explained and discussed in detail in the mentioned log.
Of course, in here as well if there is a need for it, and I already started to think there will.
I tend to dig deep into the detailed info but this time I will keep it as simple as possible.
Not the easy part but I´ll do my best.
In this post, we will take a look into the first part of the development period.
To gain erectile length as a secondary outcome we need to primarily elongate the BPFSL permanently longer.
Making this happen we choose methods that allow measurable strain achieved during the exercises.
Strain being the driven factor of the workouts we will never use too large loads or too lengthy workouts.
Taking measurements to monitor BPFSL prior to and post-exercise, we can control the efficacy of the workout routine and the penile development.
Having enough rest for the exercised tissue is imperative.
As a result, we shall gain cumulative elongation on the BPFSL without stressing the tissue excessively.
The workout routine has been established as follow:
Phase 1 Conditioning stretch 30-40 min
Phase 2 Heated stretch 20 - 25 min
Phase 3 Cooldown stretch 10 min
For having the right amount of load, we need to determine the level we will use.
We need to determine the load which produces the best strain in the given time.
This can be done with a simple test increasing the load in intervals and measuring the BPFSL after each step.
Biological soft tissue has viscoelastic characteristics which appear as a stiffening due to the exercise-induced elongation or exceeding a certain threshold load.
At a certain strain or load increment, the tissue refuses to elongate any further that easily.
Phase 1 is intended to yield the maximal elongation potential at the toe region of the stress-strain curve of the penis.
For phase 1 we use load well under the stiffening point. We keep the exercise length long enough, the maximal potential elongation, the measured strain for this phase is achieved.
For phase 2 we choose the load at the threshold at the transitional region of the stress-strain curve, at the apex of the stiffening or slightly above.
The load used is enough to cause the stiffening reaction of the viscoelastic tissue at resting temperature.
We can move the stiffening point further using therapeutic heat, provided by the vigorous heating with the ultrasound therapy machine.
The heat alters the viscoelastic characteristics of the connective soft tissue of the penis.
The heat makes it possible to elongate the length further than allowed at resting temperature.
This will result in a strain by lower load and significantly lesser damage on the tissue otherwise needed for the given elongation. Impossible if operating at resting temperature.
Phase 3 is an important part of the exercise as when the priorly elongated tissue is held at that maximal extension while the tissue cools down to the resting temperature, the portion of the permanent lengthening is better than when left freely to cool down.
So, when elongating the penis to its maximum and keeping it cooling down at this extension, we are going to produce permanent lengthening bit by bit with every exercise.
Interestingly the results are seemingly similar when replacing this static extended hold with a manual stretching routine.
The cooling down is a narrow window, as it is done in 10 minutes.
Using manual stretching we need to use relatively short-duration stretches followed by a resting phase before the next one. We will need a minimum of 10 of these cyclical repetitions.
Anecdotal findings have engaged suspects the latter providing faster and better BPEL gains following the BPFSL gains.
Three workouts followed with two rest days.
Additional rest days can be introduced if necessary. Prolonged rest phases have not affected the momentum at all.
We can have extraordinary gains during the 5 days cycle and it seems that the tissue needs several days including the rest to grow for this elongation.
The gains will halt at a certain stage and trying to extend this phase is useless.
The BPFSL keeps gaining for a maximum of 30 to 45 days before starting to show diminishing returns.
At this point, the post-exercise measured BPFSL does not show any post-exercise gains anymore.
It is time to move on to the next stage.