Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Taking a Break now


Taking a Break now

I have joined this secret club on the 28th of December 2005. I have now been training my circus chimp for about 40 days and 40 nights now, and I think it is time for me to take a long awaited rest period. The poor guy must be exausted. So for now I will forget completely about PE at least until tomorrow. I am going to take my break now, down boy! down! Goodnight.

You are taking a break for only a day? Might I recommend a week break, or at leats a couple days.

huahah I will actually break until Monday :) Then its time 2 spank the monkey!!!!

Yeah I think you earned a break and a spanking:)

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
That would be:

“Then it’s time to spank the monkey!!

That would be:

“Then it’s time to spank the monkey!”

(Sorry, I had to.)

Why is everyone mean to the monkey? Be nice to the monkey, he is your friend. Don’t beat him, stroke him.

To the monkey, excuse me.

Well dammit. I planned on taking a break from today until Monday, but I failed and did a full routine. I haven’t taken a day off since I joined this site! Talk about a habit. Tomorrow I swear I will take a break! But my dick just feels like he can keep going, and going… I think he’s a tough little bastard, and I’m trying to break him down. But he’s a mean little mullet. Today is another day.

PINGING in my shaft

Well here I am taking another break. I havent PE’d in about 2 weeks, and throughout the 2 weeks I have been feeling a “pinging” type of sensation up and down my inner shaft piece and my head. I’d say it is a similar feeling slightly to soap going in your pee hole sting type of feeling, except it doesn’t sting as bad. I can also feel the pinging in the tip of my head, and around the sides, my frenulum, and mainly down the shaft. Im thinking that it may be some sort of nerve irritation although it isn’t unbearable or necessarily uncomfortable. Maybe growth? It occurs for a fraction of a second or two, then I press on where I feel it and it seems to go away. Any ideas?

Hey Thunder, do you use the spell check??? You should. Damn. You are the Prophet, you should do things right, right, right :D

----- Feb 2004 - 5.0 EG x 6.0 BPEL----- Feb 2006 - 5.6 EG x 8.0 BPEL

Back after a long break. New goals, new techniques, happy to be back.

Originally Posted by dabone

Why is everyone mean to the monkey? Be nice to the monkey, he is your friend. Don’t beat him, stroke him.

Don’t pet the snake; that makes him think you’re happy with him just the way he is.

Originally Posted by Ideal

Don’t pet the snake; that makes him think you’re happy with him just the way he is.

What do you think if we say something like “Spank the hot dog”? :D LOLZZZZ

7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

Okay soo.. Anybody have any ideas?

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