Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Advice needed on session times and PEing schedule

Advice needed on session times and PEing schedule

I’ve noticed something about all the dudes out here with tremendous gains, and that’s the fact that they spend so much time PEing, which is about an hour or more, and plus, they have more than one PE session per day.

I, unfortunately, don’t have all the time, and especially privacy, to fully commit myself to PEing. I can only do one session, and my sessions last only 30 minutes in total, 45 minutes if I’m lucky. A lot of times, I actually end up skipping a whole week due to long work hours.

What I’m asking is, how much time should I spend doing each exercise, like stretching, jelqing, kegels, how long should my whole sessions last in total, and how many sessions should I do per day if I don’t have enough time?

Also, I want to gain quickly, but I doubt I have enough time for multiple long and intense sessions. Should instead do short, effective sessions everyday, hoping that I’ll make some gains in the long, LONG, run, or is it better to actually try to increase the number sessions and their time?

I really need help on this. I truly do want to achieve the goal of having a much larger and healthier penis.

Oh, and by the way, my measurements are 5.75 inches long and 5 inches thick. My true goal is just simply 8x6. What should I do specifically to reach this goal?

I have done most of my routine in the shower 45-60 mins. I like to change up my routine alot and do what feels best not how many or how long. I never really over did my work outs and it worked great for me. I’ve gone from 7.0ebp to 7.75ebp in 5 or 6 months pretty good for how much time I’ve put into pe. The only pe I’ve performed has been manual techniques.

Hello BurningFire,

First, cheer up, don’t be worried too much about the time you spend in your PEing sessions. (Later, you’ll have to)
I don’t know for how long you have been PEing (one year?), but your PEing session of 30 to 45 minutes is also already good, isn’t it.

Most members here got such tremendous gains because,
- They’re doing the right thing, regularly PEing without injury
- They’re fast gainer type
- They have some other supplementary stuffs (like example some sort of vitamins or other types of nutrients something like this)
- They’re old (or very experienced) and always update their routines, like from newbie to more advace routines
- They got good PEing schedule
- And more that I can’t think of at the moment :)

Now back to your story, I’m also new, but let me try… You can just keep going what you are doing if you feel it is comfortable or update your routine to make your gain changed (from little to massive ofcourse), put more motivation (it’s important) and check more on the routines of the folks who are fast gainers.
From 5.75 to 8, that might need a lot of time, but don’t worry, you’ll reach your goal, I’m sure :D

Best regards,


7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

Originally Posted by daboogies
Hello BurningFire,

First, cheer up, don’t be worried too much about the time you spend in your PEing sessions. (Later, you’ll have to)
I don’t know for how long you have been PEing (one year?), but your PEing session of 30 to 45 minutes is also already good, isn’t it.

Most members here got such tremendous gains because,
- They’re doing the right thing, regularly PEing without injury
- They’re fast gainer type
- They have some other supplementary stuffs (like example some sort of vitamins or other types of nutrients something like this)
- They’re old (or very experienced) and always update their routines, like from newbie to more advace routines
- They got good PEing schedule
- And more that I can’t think of at the moment :)

Now back to your story, I’m also new, but let me try.. You can just keep going what you are doing if you feel it is comfortable or update your routine to make your gain changed (from little to massive ofcourse), put more motivation (it’s important) and check more on the routines of the folks who are fast gainers.
From 5.75 to 8, that might need a lot of time, but don’t worry, you’ll reach your goal, I’m sure :D

Best regards,


Maybe I am doing it wrong. Everytime I PE, I don’t feel any intensity. They only thing I feel is stretching, and sometimes I feel the blood swelling up in my unit during my jelqs, but that swelling up feeling comes and goes during PE. I also don’t feel sore aftrer my sessions. The only things tired are my arms.

Originally Posted by BurningFire
Maybe I am doing it wrong. Everytime I PE, I don’t feel any intensity. They only thing I feel is stretching, and sometimes I feel the blood swelling up in my unit during my jelqs, but that swelling up feeling comes and goes during PE. I also don’t feel sore aftrer my sessions. The only things tired are my arms.

I’m not sure if what you are doing is right or wrong (give us some more detail on your routine), but you have mentioned you don’t feel any sore after your sessions, that sounds good. Lucky you! But at the meantime people said “No pain no gain”, seriously, it doesn’t mean you have to get hurt to get some gains, what I mean is you’d better try it a little bit harder, for example, let say you Jelq with an OK grip which is a little tighter, stretch with more tension and do add some more times on your sessions. You can either break your PEing session into two or three segments or to make it easy for you, do it at anytime you wan’t or you’re free.

Best regards,


7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

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