Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



I was drunk a while ago and there was a girl there with me and yea well I guess we went in a bedroom and started making out and of course I slipped her jeans off and panties and I noticed I couldn’t get an erection. Is this normal lol because it was very embarrassing, I still did her but my erection was not anywhere near where it should be it was half hard and bendable. I hear about all my friends having sex when they are drunk with no problems but I try and can’t get an erection so I was just wondering whats up with that.


It’s not the first case of alcohol induced impotence I ever heard of?

It happens. Some guys can work through it, some can’t, I guess. I don’t have any stats from any studies. All I can say is when I used to drink, I could get ‘er done…..

Sorry, couldn’t help.

It happens.nothing extraordinary to worry about.

Stay sober nex time if it’s a problem, and do her hard

Alcohol and sex…..has 2 different outcomes, in my experience.

1) Drink a little to moderate amount, and I was able to last as long as I wanted, going as hard or fast as I wanted

2) Drink slightly too much, and end up with only being able to get 70% erection max.

Everyone has a “cut off point”, in regards to alcohol affecting erections, in my opinion. If you pass this point, you wont be able to get a full erection. Stay below it, and you’ll be fine.

Of course finding this point is trial and error, everyone is different.

Having said that, once I started kegelling I could go as long as I wanted anyway, and I stopped drinking a long time ago.

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

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Slack hit the nail on the head. Ditto Ditto Ditto. My experiences exactly…..except for quitting…. ;-)


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