Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Almost 40% bigger in 8 months


I’m just glad another Doctor is starting to think outside the square he was taught in :)

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Any updates Doc?

Holy hell, you do 4 hours of manual PE a day? And then 10 hours of ADS? Are you retired? I can’t find time where I’m consistently standing long enough to get 10 hours of ADS in (I can’t make it work sitting down). And 4 hours of manual PE holy hell. I think this is another thread showing that if you commit completely, and are willing to take serious time from each day to PE, you can make gains fast (and without injury).

Jelq, ADS, repeat.

Final Goal: 8EL x 6.2


Updated progress report
I’m currently rapidly approaching 8 1/4 BPEL (on a good day, I hit it, but not consistently yet. Definitely 8 1/8 though). My BPFSL is 8.5, and my EG is about 6.1. I was never able to replicate consistently that 6.25 EG, however that was taken during sex, and my other girth measurements have all been on my own. I may actually be 6.25; just didn’t want to stop my activities to measure (kind of kills the mood a little).

My NBPEL has gone from around 6 to 7.25, and I’m still continuing to gain about 1/8 inch/month. It’s not really 4 hours of manual PE/day; more like wearing the extender around the house for 3 to 4 hours and then either 25 minutes of stretching/jelqing OR one hour of pumping/jelqing (10 minutes in the tube at 5mm hg alternating with 8 minutes of jelqing/ stretching for a total of 1 hour.

At the end of this routine I have a swollen 7 inch non bone pressed flaccid. Absolutely incredible considering that last year my flaccid was 3.5-4.
After this, I put on the ADS, which I wear for the rest of the day/night. Really liking monkeybars autoxleeve with the embedded weight. I wear tight long boxer briefs and tuck this down the side so theres always extension even when you’re sitting, and because there tight, you can position it, so that it’s stealthy and doesn’t create an unnatural wiggle when you walk. My wife is as addicted to my new massive cock as I am, and she’s really a trooper at taking it all. I will stop when she tells me; but so far nothing but green lights from her.

The way I look at it. You can go at this halfheartedly and take 3 or 4 years to get to where you want to be; or you can go for it in a consistent yet still cautious way; get the results in half the time and then not have to work that hard as your goal has already been reached. Of course; the only problem with this is that I’ll probably want to keep continuing past my initial goal of 8 NBPEL. But thats my story, and I’m stickin with it.

I think your theory is pretty good doctor, if you’re cautious yet aggressive, you can accomplish a lot in less time. It feels to me that if I do AV stretches twice a day, every day, the tunica gets looser and looser and the gains almost accelerate. I think the difficulty with putting this much time in is people simply don’t have that much time to spare. I know I don’t have 14 hours available each day to PE, or 10 hours straight where I could wear an ADS and monitor it safely. It’s like going to the gym for 30 min. and doing a great, efficient, circuit workout. You can get a lot done in that time (look at every Men’s Fitness program lately), and still be in and out of the the gym. But I always see better results for me if I go for well over an hour, and focus on every lift, and cover every muscle I need to that day. I never overdo it, but I get better results.

I’m jealous of your schedule that allows you to put in this kind of work. But it’s nice to have someone breaking some new ground and blazing the trail if any of us happen to get a lot of free time in the near future.

Jelq, ADS, repeat.

Final Goal: 8EL x 6.2


I wear the ADS at work, while I’m seeing patients. It’s really not that difficult to monitor. Every 2 hours I take a break to pee and reposition. Half the time at work I’m on my feet, and half the time I’m charting; but it doesn’t make too much difference as the ADS is still working.

The extender is really easy to fit in as well. I wear it around the house while I’m watching TV or on the internet, or relaxing in the backyard. I can probably get an hour and a half in the am before I’ve gotten out of bed. get up at 7 to pee; slip it on and then relax in bed before I have to get up for good. Late at night when you’re watching TV is also a good time to wear the extender. If you search for it, you can probably find time for more PE.

Originally Posted by toobsnake
Updated progress report
I’m currently rapidly approaching 8 1/4 BPEL (on a good day, I hit it, but not consistently yet. Definitely 8 1/8 though). My BPFSL is 8.5, and my EG is about 6.1. I was never able to replicate consistently that 6.25 EG, however that was taken during sex, and my other girth measurements have all been on my own. I may actually be 6.25; just didn’t want to stop my activities to measure (kind of kills the mood a little).

My NBPEL has gone from around 6 to 7.25, and I’m still continuing to gain about 1/8 inch/month. It’s not really 4 hours of manual PE/day; more like wearing the extender around the house for 3 to 4 hours and then either 25 minutes of stretching/jelqing OR one hour of pumping/jelqing (10 minutes in the tube at 5mm hg alternating with 8 minutes of jelqing/ stretching for a total of 1 hour.

At the end of this routine I have a swollen 7 inch non bone pressed flaccid. Absolutely incredible considering that last year my flaccid was 3.5-4.
After this, I put on the ADS, which I wear for the rest of the day/night. Really liking monkeybars autoxleeve with the embedded weight. I wear tight long boxer briefs and tuck this down the side so theres always extension even when you’re sitting, and because there tight, you can position it, so that it’s stealthy and doesn’t create an unnatural wiggle when you walk. My wife is as addicted to my new massive cock as I am, and she’s really a trooper at taking it all. I will stop when she tells me; but so far nothing but green lights from her.

The way I look at it. You can go at this halfheartedly and take 3 or 4 years to get to where you want to be; or you can go for it in a consistent yet still cautious way; get the results in half the time and then not have to work that hard as your goal has already been reached. Of course; the only problem with this is that I’ll probably want to keep continuing past my initial goal of 8 NBPEL. But thats my story, and I’m stickin with it.


Do you stretch everyday? I have been seeing some success in length gains from manual stretches. But, I do see that one day will measure a little longer, the next a little shorter. My tunica and ligs are pretty sore from some daily stretching, (primarily piss pulls). I feel like I need to keep at it until my unit isn’t sore anymore. I don’t want to loose the stretch. What do you think?

Paraphrased: It is not the critic who counts: The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, who, at the best, knows the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.

I try to something 5 or 6 days/week, and most of these days, I will do some manual stretching/jelqing. I think piss pulls are a great idea; constantly letting your dick know that more elongation is called for.

I figured as a doctor you would be able to wear it while walking around seeing patients. I tried to wear it at work in my restaurant, but I worried about getting too busy to check my head temp/color and if I had it on too tight the consequences were too high. It all depends on your lifestyle. Living alone will give me a few hours more a day to wear an ADS without being worried about someone seeing it. But having a girlfriend won’t help, whenever I’m at her house I won’t be hanging out with it on. Props to you for having a lot of time though. I will make do with the time I have now, and if the schedule frees up I know that I can increase my training time without worry of injury.

Jelq, ADS, repeat.

Final Goal: 8EL x 6.2


Wrincle, and stretch marks

Dear Sir—

Congradulations on your gains,, I am Very happy for you..

I do have one question, and because you are a DR, you may help me understand the science of this

I am gaining, and very happy with my workout schedule,
I am a member of x4 labs they supply a amazing traction device that can be used in conjunction with
Manual workouts..

My question is this Why ins my member becoming Dry and ot looks as if the skin is becoming wrinckled and rough after I jelque.
I try to Jelque 500 reps most days and then take a couple days to strech..

I notice my penis seems dry wrincled, and had some stretch marks,, would you say this will go away with time?
Should I jelque less,, My GF says it looks ugly.. I hope I haven’t caused perminant stretch marks.?

Best and kind regards


What do you attribute your girth gains to?


What weighted cap and color sleeve are you using?

In response to your varied questions.

1. Use hand or body lotion on your unit to prevent dryness. You didn’t say if you’re dry or wet jelqing; but the key thing is to moisturize. It should go away with time; I dont think you can get permanent stretch marks on your dick. That skin is supposed to stretch!.

2. Wasnt really going after girth gains, as I was thick to start with; but attribute them to semi-erect jelqing and stretches; along with using the vacuam pump. I think the thing that’s going to have to make me stop will be getting too thick for the wife; so am not really concentrating on girth; it’s just a normal side effect of all the work I’ve put in.

3. I loved the blue sleeve with the 5.5 oz weight. I can wear this for 14 hours without a problem. I initially did not like the red sleeve; as it just squeezed too toght, and hurt to take off, as it pinched the tip. I just got the 11 oz weight last week; and this thing is great with the red sleeve; although you have to be able to take it off after an hour or two sometimes. This combo stretches you out an extra 1/2 inch more than the blue sleeve/5 oz weight. You just have to keep a closer eye on it, and I dont think I could ever wear it to work.

Congrats on the gains man, keep it up!

Started: 6.75" BPEL, 8" (20 cm) BPFSL (1/2015) x 5" (12.5 cm) EG; Current (7/2017): 8" (20 cm) BPEL, 8.2" (20.5 cm) BPFSL x 5.8" (14.5 cm) EG; Gains (7/2017): 1.25" (3.125 cm) EL, 0.2" (0.5 cm) BPFSL x 0.8" (2 cm) EG

Short-term goal: 8.25 (20.625 cm) BPEL, 8.3" (20.75 cm) BPFSL x 6" (15 cm) EG; Long-term goal: 9" (22.5 cm) BPEL x 6" EG

Xtended's Progress Report

ADS Only

I know this is an old thread but hoping someone can shed some light on this for me. I am currently only using the autoxleeve for PE. No jelqing, other traction or pumps. I wear the yellow sleeve all night and the blue sleeve all day with the 14oz weight. Can I expect gains from this method, or must I incorporate more methods. I’d love to hear from anyone who has only done ADS/ANS.


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