Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Already Grew With Worst Routine Ever


Hey Ruz, thanks for checking out my post.

Sorry, being a newbie I still haven’t figure out what the “exit point” is and couldn’t find it in the search… I am guessing it is the point where the penis comes out of the body which I have never seen to be different on any man…. So if that is what it is, I am going to say normal for now =].

When I started my LOT was 10-11 o clock, I just did this again and it was 8-9 o clock… that was sad but explains my growths if the theory is correct (quick from lig stretches) =[.

My erection angle before PE was about 10-11 o clock and it is still about that, maybe a little less.

By the way, I find myself ranging now in errection level from BPEL 6.75” to 7” depending on how excited I am (7 when talking to my GF). At 7” I am rock hard, but noticed that even at 6.75 or below levels I still can ejaculate.

Before PE I had very hard errections, but they weren’t as hard as I get now from after jelqing.

Thanks for the link, I have now and always have had a high exit point. When wearing swim shorts or loose pants I am always afraid someone will see my penis imprented on my pants because of it.

Just an update to this old post of mine. After 7 months of no PE (I only did like 10-20 sessions total back then), I just checked my size today and my initial half inch gain still remains. My girth I didn’t measure back then after peing but it is 5.5, .4 inch bigger than before when I started PE.

Also, the strech marks I got from PE have faded quite a bit too but are still visible… worth the gains though. My wife never noticed them anyway.

Thunder, can I change thet title of this post? :)

Originally Posted by dhhh

Just an update to this old post of mine. After 7 months of no PE (I only did like 10-20 sessions total back then), I just checked my size today and my initial half inch gain still remains. My girth I didn’t measure back then after peing but it is 5.5, .4 inch bigger than before when I started PE.

Also, the strech marks I got from PE have faded quite a bit too but are still visible… worth the gains though. My wife never noticed them anyway.

Thunder, can I change thet title of this post? :)

What do you want it changed to?

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

I was really just kidding. Thanks though. If you can come up with a better title that describes my experience go right ahead though. It is hard to explain any thread’s history in one short title.

I have a fluctuating penis size, flacid.maybe that id your problem,.You just think it’s bigger because you had poor circulation

Hey wannabe8incher, what problem are you referring to? Did you mean to say that in past tense? I always had very hard erections and could have them for as long and often as I wanted before PE, before PE I was afraid that i would actually hurt this somehow, but it only got better. Now I have even better erections plus the bigger size. I have no reason to PE anymore, but may pick up on it some day again. My size gain was due to better circulation from jelqing but more from the streches I believe. (i even have strech marks to prove it, like 3 rows on the top 3/4 of my shaft). Yeah I yanked pretty good on it the short amount of times i did, but my body is full of stretch marks… probably my skin is more flexable/weak/breaks easy. This could be another reason why i gained so fast and with such little work…

My non penis strech marks are not cause I am fat, I actually have a fit body and little fat (recently got a bit of a gut which i’m quite proud of). I grew very fast and played many sports when I was growing up. I think this caused me to have strech marks across my back and hips.

Hey Guys,

I have really good news to share with you! I’m back on the site after 10 years and have not done any PE since 2008 but my gains are still there!

Even with my “worst routine ever” (see this thread), my gains have remained over this 10 year period where I did absolutely zero PE.

Here are my stats (in inches):

12/07/07 6.500 5.1000 4.800 6.25 __Starting size
02/05/08 7.000 5.3000 _____ 7.00 __I did just a tiny bit more PE after this
06/14/18 6.950 5.3500 4.850 7.00 __Today after no PE exercises in 10 years!

I assume some slight margin of error in taking measurements so pretty much 100% the same.

Last edited by dhhh : 06-14-2018 at .

I got a Bathmate x30 (non-extreme version) a few weeks ago. Only done it maybe 5 times. Definitely can see and feel the difference (thicker in your hand). Pretty easy, as you just set it and forget it and it’s fun to see it grow. My wife, didn’t say anything but I noticed her having a better time and climaxing easier too.

I started slow, as I read on here but can go full pressure now. At first it would only hit the 6” mark, then 6.5”, today it was nearly at the 7” mark (max it shows). I also use it without its guidance system, and the bellows leaves my base with some marks which go away after a few minutes. Also, it hurts after a while and I get a donut effect but that goes away within an hour or so usually, sometimes a slight donut lasts a day or so too though.

I throw in a couple quick stretches (down for ligs and out straight too) right after a pump session and a couple piss pulls here and there too. After 10 years, my lazy routine is back gentlemen- just new and improved. Let’s see if I can get some gains again.

Last edited by dhhh : 07-06-2018 at .

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