Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Already Grew With Worst Routine Ever


Already Grew With Worst Routine Ever

In a period a little over a month, I have done only 5 jelq sessions, 1 stretch session, and roughly 200 kegels and have already gained 1/4”! I was so shocked as I thought it would require so much hard work to achieve any gains. This was great news for me as by far the hardest part of PE for me was the working hard consistently part, hence my pathetic routine- if you can even call it that. The whole working hard thing actually almost prevented me from starting as I knew I could not do it.

So I am posting here to get your guys input on my routine and gains (outlined below). Will my lazy ass routine, as I dubbed it, be enough to reach my goal of 1.5 inches in 9 months or do I have to step it up a little/lot? If I have to step it up, what would you guys recommend for a guy that just can’t do the normal routine thing- trust me it is impossible. The only way I see developing a real routine is if someone is there coaching me (you guys) as I would not want to let my coaches down. I know many people see initial quick gains, but that is with a lot more work…

- Warm up- hot pad or shower
-I use a lot of intensity in a roughly half our wet jelq session. (I started slow on the first two jelq sessions for my short break in period. I still went full intensity though by the end of the session) Often, I don’t fully let go of my glans after bringing the second hand up so there is always pressure on the head. I do let go to relax the head after a 20 second burst period where I go quite fast and intense. I did 4 jelq sessions about ~5 days apart to begin with. I do jelqs at 60-80% erect.
-I stretched ~4 days after my fourth jelq session. This is mainly because the baseball bat started and I learned you need to stretch to thicken the base (it is still there however). I did the BTC stretch mainly with 4 or 5 20 second holds. I also did all around stretches for 10 seconds each one or two times. I pull at 80% strength. My ligs are pretty sore now and I immediately noticed the gains after this.
-Fifth and final jelq session ~4 days after stretching.
- Kegels done very seldom randomly done every ~2 days for about 20 times per day in one short session.
-Warm down – I always warm down after jelqs to prevent thrombosis and get good blood flow afterwards.
- I did a a few jelqs in the shower once and a couple piss pulls at work one day too.

~ = Plus or minus 2 days

December 07:
BPEL 6.5x5.1

BPEL 6.75x did not measure yet, but definitely a lot thicker.

Big Goal in 9 months:
BPEL 8x* (* = Whatever keeps the same shape)

I’m a 24 year old virgin, but discovered erections at a very young age and have been quite active since.

Before PE I had an already very hard erection and was very pleased with it’s behavior and physical appearance (save a few brown spots caused by rigorous rubbing over the years), but I did wish it would be slightly bigger. After about one month of PE, I now have an even a harder erection and noticed greater stamina and more throbbing when erect.

Last edited by dhhh : 01-13-2008 at . Reason: typos

Why should someone waste their time with you if you are lazy?

Start Dec 10 \'07: BPEL 6 2/16" | EG 5 1/4"

Feb 4: BPEL 6 11/16" | EG 5 2/4"

Short Term Goal: BPEL 7" | EG 5 3/4" Long Term Goal: BPEL 7 3/4 - 8" | EG 6"

Wow that was harsh man, thanks a lot. I came to this site for help not to be treated like dirt.

I wish I had a couple hours a day to play with my Johnson but I don’t. I just named my routine the lazy ass routine.. To make you laugh. I work all day and night and when I come home there are many people I live with.. Look at my post, does it seem like I am a lazy guy and not committed to PE?

Can’t we all get along?

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Nice post dhhh, thanks for the routine, sometimes less is better. Everybody is different.

Ignore IvanDrago.

You came to the site because you want a bigger dick and TP is ‘free’, so you figured you’d try here first.
You lucked out- all the pay-site owners I can think of are or were members.

Do it our way* and you’ll get a better unit.

You simply re-gained what you your healthy length should have been.

Hit the newbie routine, three months and check back in.

Start lower intensity rather than high- invert stretch after jelq if you’re having trouble getting sufficient wood to jelq.

Closing on 90,000 members- why do you think we have a newbie routine? It is there for a reason- with all due respect, don’t expect everyone to get excited about reinventing the wheel simply because you arrived and had a thought.

That said- easy there Drago- you better check yourself before you riggedy-riggedy-wreck yourself. The Powers That Be are hard on grammar and punctuation- what do you think the penalty is for newb on newb violence?

*At least for the first three months.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

Originally Posted by androNYC
Do it our way* and you’ll get a better unit.

*At least for the first three months.

Thanks, I’ll try and get on the newbie routine. You are right, the newbie routine is already proven.

IvanDrago is cool, you can’t have a name like that and not be. Rocky 4 is the best.

Do or do not, there is no ‘try’.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

Originally Posted by androNYC
Do or do not, there is no ‘try’.

Now I’ve got this disturbing image in my head of Yoda engaging in PE :D

On a more relevant note, I’m all for lazy PE. I have never been consistent in my ‘routine’ (it hardly deserves that name) yet gains have come nonetheless. So yeah, if a more laid back approach keeps you motivated than by all means stick to it.

Originally Posted by concrete
Now I’ve got this disturbing image in my head of Yoda engaging in PE :D

He doesn’t need PE, he uses the force.

Does telekinetic dido slamming count as a jedi mind trick?

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist


Originally Posted by concrete
On a more relevant note, I’m all for lazy PE. I have never been consistent in my ‘routine’ (it hardly deserves that name) yet gains have come nonetheless. So yeah, if a more laid back approach keeps you motivated than by all means stick to it.

Hey Concrete, lol nice name.. So what is your routine like? How long you been at it and how much have you been able to gain with it?

If your pushed for time and privacy then ‘piss pulls’ could be a usefull addition to your routine. Do a one minute straight out stretch every time you go the bathroom. All adds up.

Grow yourself a whopper, then tell her to fuck off.

dhhh —

I for one will advise you against the standard newbie routine. I think it is way too much — too many jelqs, etc. I may have written this to you on another thread, I can’t remember.

Try going a little lighter than the standard “newbie”.

I am just starting the second month of a light split routine — I have had some very nice length gains doing this.

This also makes it easy to keep the time you spend reasonable.

I stretch in the am — 5 min warm up, 3 sets of stretches, 30 secs each, 5 min warm down

I jelq in the pm — 5 min warm up, 90 jelqs (3 sets of 30), some edging for 5 or 10 minutes at full erection to “seal the deal”, 5 min warm down

Off days I try to edge for 20 to 30 minutes at full erection so as to saturate the tissue w blood.


I started with standard newbie routine, and luckily I read this progress report during a warm down:

Kevin’s log…or soon to be “Log”

Basically he was doing a more hardcore routine and not gaining. Then he switched to a lighter routine and gains came consistently.

Really worth reading — some good jelqing advice in there too.

This thread is good too — some good reasoning as to why a lighter routine works.

NEW newbie + advanced routine

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