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Need Advice: Splitting length and Girth Routine

Need Advice: Splitting length and Girth Routine

Hey all,

Well, as a result of some lifestyle changes (new job, etc) I will no longer have the time each day to continue my current routine. Therefore, I’m thinking of splitting my length and girth routines into separate days.

Currently my routine is as follows (2 on 1 off):

5 min warm-up
20 min stretches and v-stretches
15 min erect stretching
10 min jelquing
15 min uli’s
15 min horse 440’s
5 min cool down

As you can see, for the last 10 mos. I’ve been devoting about 75-90 minutes a day to PE’ing. But as mentioned above, I no longer have that kind of time to continue this routine.

I’m thinking of splitting the routine up and doing something like:

Day 1:
5 min warm-up
15 min stretches and v-stretches
15 min erect stretching

Day 2:
10 min jelquing
10 min uli’s
10 min horse 440’s
5 min cool down

Is anyone currently doing this type of routine (length one day, girth another day) and having good results?

Any other advice would be appreciated. I figured this sort of routine would be better than trying to fit the entire routine into a 30 min. timeframe and simply doing each set of exercises for only a few minutes each.


I do a split routine with stretches in the morning and jelqing/girth in the evening that works.

You don’t mention what you are trying to achieve (both girth and length I assume) or what your gains have been with this routine. Maybe you could drop the girth exercises for a while concentrate on the length and then add girth later. The consensus here is length before girth, after all.

Personally I’d drop the erect stretches, the horses and the uli’s and maybe just do them when time allows, and keep it all in one day. I find a hot wrap after stretching and before jelqing works well and your routine doesn’t allow for that.

so maybe

5 min hotwrap
10-15 min stretches (static,jai etc)
15 min intense jelq
5 min hotwrap

I guess trying whatever you decide to do for a month or so, seeing what results and changing if it doesn’t work for you is probably best.

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