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Girth Question Routine Advice Please Help

Girth Question Routine Advice Please Help

Okay so, I did a little PE this past summer and I may have gained a little bit of length from it (didn’t really measure accurately). I think I’m pretty decent in length (6.75 EL), and I desperately want to gain girth (only about 4.75). Since I’m just getting back into PE, should I do the newbie routine again, or should I go for more girth immediately? Here’s my routine for the past few weeks:

Warm up
100 Wet Jelqs
75 Jelq Squeezes
Warm down

Since I’m going for girth mainly, what suggestions would you make? Thanks for your help.

Unless you’re completely satisfied with your length I’d suggest sticking to the routine you outlined which is more “balanced”. Most people seem to find it a little easier to gain length and then you can focus on getting your girth to catch up.

2010-01-09: BPEL: 19,7cm [7.75"] EG: 15,0 cm [5.9"]

2010-04-24: BPEL: 20,4cm [8.0"] EG: [???]

Stick with your routine, it looks pretty good. Also, you didn’t tell us how long you’ve been doing the exercises, you only said that you did a little in the summer and It appears you became a member in November? Stick with the newbie routine, for your own sake. Giving more accurate information is only to your benefit. Increased size doesn’t come overnight and the vast majority have a more difficult time gaining girth. Have patience. Remember, PE isn’t a sprint but a marathon race. But if you don’t want to listen and you think your unit is prepared… Clamping is best for girth. I don’t recommend it yet because you are still wet behind the ears but you are an adult and it is your body so do what you will. On another note, find and utilize the search function, you will find that your question has been answered plenty of times and you will find answers to any future questions. In other words, do your homework brother and good luck in gaining.

Ok, I’ll stick with my routine (I’m gonna up it to 150 wet jelqs and 100 jelq squeezes though) and gain some more length. Hopefully the squeezes will help add a little girth before I get into clamping and things like that down the road. Thanks guys.

And I did PE this past summer, but I just recently joined the forum (I wasn’t a member but I read up about jelqing on the Internet back then). I’ve gotten back into it since mid-December (when I returned home from my fall semester of school). I would jelq every now and then at school, but I couldn’t really do it as much as as I wanted due to lack of privacy (roommate in my dorm) and heavy workload. I plan to continue though this semester. I’ll just have to plan it out better this time, haha.

Damn, and I was going to go see Avatar.

If it’s girth you want stick to old fashioned Jelqing.

That’s all my last routines have been and got major girth quite quickly.

Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.

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