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Routine for Length and Girth?


Routine for Length and Girth?

Hey, I’ve been doing my routine for a year now which is:
10 minute warm up and manual stretching
30 min wet jelqing
10 minute clamp
30 min wet jelq
10 minute clamp
10 minute warm down

However, I have only been making girth gains and my length is still the same as when I started a year ago. Can anyone recommend me a routine that can give me BOTH length and girth gains at the same time? Or do I have to concentrate on just length and not on both?

Obviously, 10 minute stretching isn’t enaugh for you (for length). Do it more with more power everyday (20+ minutes), and wear some kind of ADS for 4-5 hours a day.

You can gain length this way.

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

Should you wear the ADS everyday then I take it? Even on the days of rest from PE? I’m also after length. Just starting using the ADS yesterday. So far I’m doing about 3 hours worth, but I won’t have as much time once school starts again.

Current measure ment 8-2-06 EL- 5.5, EG- 5.25, BPEL-6 7/6, BPFSL-7.25

Short term goal EL- 6.0, EG-5.5

Long term goals EL- 7 to 7.5, EG- 5.5 to 6.0

Wow, I would think 1 hr of jelqing for a year would produce some length. IMO, increase the intensity of the jelqing, not the time. Dump the clamping, it shouldn’t be needed provided you are jelqing properly.

After three years, here is what I know: Jelqing is the supreme PE maneuver, you can make it more intense than having a dozen clamps on or you can make it soft for general health. Hanging is great if you have a high exit point.

High exit point what do you mean Mr.Nine?

Current measure ment 8-2-06 EL- 5.5, EG- 5.25, BPEL-6 7/6, BPFSL-7.25

Short term goal EL- 6.0, EG-5.5

Long term goals EL- 7 to 7.5, EG- 5.5 to 6.0

From what I can tell looks like I have a high exit point. So if I ever need to do hanging thats a plus.

Current measure ment 8-2-06 EL- 5.5, EG- 5.25, BPEL-6 7/6, BPFSL-7.25

Short term goal EL- 6.0, EG-5.5

Long term goals EL- 7 to 7.5, EG- 5.5 to 6.0

Mr. Nine: Yeah, I thought doing jelqs for an hour for a year would at least give me some length but it hasn’t. Could it be that my clamping sessions are hindering my length gains? I could dump the clamping but I don’t want to stop gaining girth because I want both length and girth gains at the same time. Would just jelqing and not clamping give me both length and girth gains?

Also, hanging could solve my length problem, but I don’t to go that extreme to get length gains. In addition, I dont have the time and money to buy hanging equipment.

>Could it be that my clamping sessions are hindering my length gains? <

That’s any-ones guess.

> Would just jelqing and not clamping give me both length and girth gains?<

Of course, it has for thousands. Your case is interesting with no gains, if I was forced to guess I would say your technique needs help. I don’t really understand the difference between dry/wet jelqing, it’s all the same to me if done right.

When you form your OK grip at your base do you glide it over your skin our do you bring the skin with it? Check out the video by Ocifar, he does a perfect demonstration of correct jelqing. I would like to help in any way I can, you deserve something in gains. :)

Mr.Nine is this ocifar? Wet Jelq Video

I noticed he is uncut as he has a ton of skin pushing forward. I use the over hand grip. Though I need to adjust the time my other hand reaches the base as from the looks of it he has to hands on his penis at once.

Current measure ment 8-2-06 EL- 5.5, EG- 5.25, BPEL-6 7/6, BPFSL-7.25

Short term goal EL- 6.0, EG-5.5

Long term goals EL- 7 to 7.5, EG- 5.5 to 6.0

Yeah, that’s him.

Have you tried doing something similar like in the dry jelq video? If your skin is tight, I realize you won’t be able to go all the way to the top. I like using a dab of Vaseline while doing the dry jelq to prevent chafing and serve as a skin barrier. I feel the “dry” method produces a lot more engorgement and is more effecient.

No the thought of dry jelqing gives me the shivers. Well my skin moves with my hand during the wet jelqing, but not like his, though like I said he is not cut (atleast not that I can tell) so that’s the reason why. My penis does look mighty plump after I’m done.

Current measure ment 8-2-06 EL- 5.5, EG- 5.25, BPEL-6 7/6, BPFSL-7.25

Short term goal EL- 6.0, EG-5.5

Long term goals EL- 7 to 7.5, EG- 5.5 to 6.0

Mr. Nine: When I do the wet jelq my foreskin is already over my glans (I’m uncircumsized), so there is no skin to bring with it. My grip and intensity is probably average to above average and I do the wet jelqs when I’m 30%-60% erect. ALso whenever I do my wet jelq session I alternate overhand grip and OK grip everytime.

Is it better to jelq sitting or standing?

Originally Posted by NeedBiggerPenis
Is it better to jelq sitting or standing?

Do it the way that is most convenient for you.

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