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2 days ago I started my girth routine

2 days ago I started my girth routine

Well, I have given up on just length (hanging and dediced to throw in some cable clamps into my routine. I feel that if I add girth my penis will look bigger than if I just added more length to it. I am a bit over 7 inches bone pressed and only about 4.75 in girth. I did a cable clamp and I was at about 5 inches maximum engorged.

I know this question is beat to hell and different for everyone, but on average about how long does it take to see results with cable clamping? So from now on im going to do cable clamps and also hanging. So lets see if I have this right. I put the clamp on lightly and kegel blood then I start putting on the clamp tighter. I basically just stimulate myself to maintain the blood in there and allow for maximum engorgement.

Is that correct?

Thanks guys!

should be mr 7 inch updated girth 4 7/8 7.25 BPEL 4.75 girth Penis to Height Ratio: 1:8.96

5 1/8 girth 9/21/11

Yep that is correct, max enogorgement. When I started clamps, I gained .25 inches pretty fast. Then I slacked off and just now started back. I think doing more shorter sessions per day is better than doing one longer one, and I don’t get the donut effect with 10-12 minute sessions. Good luck!

Mr 6,

I agree with Philadelph on all points. I also gained about 0.25 fast (about two weeks) but I haven’t really tried any clamping since, but my gain is still there (4 weeks later).

I simply don’t bother anymore with any other girth exercise because I have found clamping to be so easy and effective.

Also don’t be surprised to see a “jump” in your length when you start clamping. Happy gaining!

I realise that cable-clamping is pretty new, but has anyone ever been injured doing this?

Where does one acquire a cable clamp, and what the hell are they?

I think alot of people have been injured cable clamping. If you search for cable clamp, you will probably find a bunch of results. Also, I think you get them at Home Depot.

When you do the cable clamping, do you only clamp one at the base, or do you clamp several along the length of your penis?


One at the base…

should be mr 7 inch updated girth 4 7/8 7.25 BPEL 4.75 girth Penis to Height Ratio: 1:8.96

5 1/8 girth 9/21/11

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