Alright, I HAVE to ask this
How do you know when you are stretching hard enough vs too hard?
I have a LOT of 9:00, and I have just started manual stretching.
When I stretch at the intensity I currently use, I get a burning sensation in my ligaments, and I have been trying to stretch hard enough that I feel that sensation almost to the point of being painful (maybe even slightly painful). However, it does not take me very much force to begin to get this sensation (probably 1/4 of my strength if even that much). Also, I am fairly sore post workout. I am only doing 15 minutes worth of stretches at this time, so I do not think it is overworking as far as the duration of my routine is concerned. Is it possible that even at such a small increment of my stretch I am stretching too hard? In your opinion, is there such thing as stretching too hard? Should I only be stretching until I begin to get this sensation and not increase the intensity afterwards? TIA!