Always struggled with stretching for one reason - Advice welcome
I’ve PE’d seriously for a few months back in 2011 with manual and bathmating. Went from 5.5 to 6.25 and 5 to 5.5 in newbie gains. I quit because I just lost interest and my girlfriend couldn’t handle it that well anyways as is. I don’t believe I really cemented my gains as I’m basically back to square one on a normal day. I’m starting back up with a small routine I’ll log if it leads anywhere but my question on stretching has always been - The micro tears in the ligaments and shaft come as a small dull burnish sensation when stretching it or is that skin stretch? Another question is if I grab lower then my head I just end up pulling loose skin to the bottom of the head and then the stretch begins. I use baby powder, etc, have no problem with grip just wondering if pulling the head alone is a good enough stretch seeing as I see posted to grab an inch or so below the head but I seem to just loose skin it to the head and the tugging can begin then. Thanks again.