Not small, not large. And none of the studies agree 100% either so it is hard to say exactly where you fall within the “average” continuum either.
mikey1978, the reason we use BP is simply for consistency of measurement. If you measure NBP and then get all buff or pork out your wiener size could fluctuate by inches, even though it never really changes size. Measuring BP will allow you to track gains to your dick without distortions due to changes in fat pat, pure and simple. Some of the guys have hurt them selves pushing in to hard trying for more length; it’s not worth it. Push in good and solid at a 90 degree angle to the body and with the ruler touching/lying along your penis. You can get a pretty good push into the bone with out hurting your self.
Disclaimer: If you are way over weight ask specifically about that. Perhaps the only way to get a BP measurement with a 4” pad is to add some Duck Tape or Rubber Dip to the end of the ruler and really push! I do not know.
And welcome to Thunder’s and all that everyone. ;)