Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Am I stretching the right thing?

Am I stretching the right thing?


First post, been lurking around for a month or so. Quick introduction:

I’m Matt, and I’m here because I want a large penis (hmmm, no surprised looks). I’m currently about 7” BPEL and 4.9”-5.1” girth. Girth is tough to measure. I have been doing mostly wet jelqs and stretching when I have time. A typical day would be 10-30 minutes total stretcing over 1 or 2 sessions and 100-300 wet jelqs.

My question is about a stretching technique. I prefer to pull straight down or pull through my legs at up towards my rear (no sly comments please). With either method of stretching if I contract my abs, or even without contracting abs I can pull my lower stomach inward in a way that gives me what feels like an incredible stretch on my ligs. It is literally almost a burning feeling if I pull too hard. When I do this, I feel some pressure taken off the skin at the base of my penis and more pressure right in the center/top at the base.

Has anyone had experience with this? Please comment on perceived effectiveness. My gut tells me it is a good thing to do this. It is too tiring to hold for the entire stretch session, but if I stretch in 1 min intervals I attempt to get this extra burn in for the last 20-30 seconds each time.

Thanks all. Hard to put into words how great this forum is.

Welcome Matt. Nice first post.

What you’re doing when you pull your dick down and back up your butt is usually called a manual BTC, for Between The Cheeks. They do work, and it helps to do precisely what you’re doing where you sort of pull up with your abs as you pull the other way with your hand. I think the manual BTC is one of the great un-heralded stretches of PE. You can stretch longer if you lie back on a couch or bed with your knees up and then reach around and down. Your thigh will sort of brace your wrist so basically you just need a strong grip on your dick to hold the stretch in place for 5 minutes or more. Using some sort of fulcrum as I describe in this ancient post is also helpful: Couch Potato Routine

That burning felling your getting is coming form the Ligaments. You have a great starting size. Keep on doing that, a lig burn is a good thing in my opinion! Yes contracting your abs and adjusting your hips can effect the intensity of the stretch for sure. Keep PE’ing and keep posting you’ll be a vet one day with a huge cock if you do!

Hi Matt.
I stretch basically the same way as you do. I also use the same technique when stretching downwards (the abs contraction). I too get the burning feeling that seems to indicate that something is right about it.
I am, however, not completely sure it is the ligs burning, it might as well be my skin. I have substantial stretch marks around the base of my penis. When flaccid it looks ljust ike wrinkled skin, but when erected or during jelqing I can see plenty of pink stretch marks going in the girth-direction of the base.
So in my case it may very well be the skin that is burning.
I am uncut and do not hold back my skin when stretching. If I try holding back the foreskin, I either do not get a grip that is good enough or it hurts too much to hold a good stretch so I will keep on doing what I do and hopefully the ligs get stretched as well.


Originally Posted by Oden
So in my case it may very well be the skin that is burning.
I am uncut and do not hold back my skin when stretching. If I try holding back the foreskin, I either do not get a grip that is good enough or it hurts too much to hold a good stretch so I will keep on doing what I do and hopefully the ligs get stretched as well.

I too have the same problem. I feel a burning sensation when I stretch, but I’m paranoid it’s my skin not my ligs that are being hit by the stretch. Foreskin slippage is a major problem, although I have been using a latex glove during manual stretching and it helps a bit.

Originally Posted by mattaddym
With either method of stretching if I contract my abs, or even without contracting abs I can pull my lower stomach inward in a way that gives me what feels like an incredible stretch on my ligs.

Anyone know when this is being done it targets the ligs and not skin? I do that subconsciously, and when I realize I’m contracting my abs, I often wonder are my ligs being affected more than my skin. This works, but is it working what we want it to do?

Progress Tracking As of 01/01/05 : 6.5 BPEL x 5.25 G As of 04/08/05 : 6.75 BPEL x 5.25 G Short Term Goal : 7 BPEL Long Term Goal : When a trip to china and getting on the great wall means hopping on my member

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