Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Anyone heard of this stuff

Anyone heard of this stuff

So I went by the local GNC today and was browsing around and found this stuff called Tribulus. Now the the dude at the store who I’m sure is “very” well qualified with his high school diploma told me that this stuff increases blood to the genitals. Now I was also told that this stuff is not any type of miracle pill that increase your rod by four inches over four months, which as we all know doesn’t exist (unfortunately) but I can see why increasing the blood flow to this area would help in our quest to increase size and girth. Along with some good routines of jelqing I’m sure this will aid. Anyone got any tips, or feedback about this product? Also Is there any pills out there that you guys feel are above and beyond all the other bullshit on the market.Lundworks

Search Button (top right of every page), meet Lundworks.

Lundworks, meet Search Button.

There are dozens of threads on this supplement here at Thunder’s Place. If you do a SEARCH you’ll find them. :)

Westla just has a way with words doesn’t he. His sarcasm never seems to fall short of entertaining me :)


Tribulus is an herb that is often used to increase libido in male. Tribulus lead to production of LH hormone, which help produces more testoterone. LH hormone deals with sex drive.

With more test, it would be also a good supplement for athletes to increase their performance naturally.

I started taking Bulgarian tribulus and I get really bad gut cramps from it. Be aware.

I also feel overly horny, everything with 2 lumps on it turns me on :)

Originally Posted by dongdon
I started taking Bulgarian tribulus and I get really bad gut cramps from it. Be aware.

I also feel overly horny, everything with 2 lumps on it turns me on :)

Take it with breakfast, lunch or diner. With a meal and cramp shoud not be a program.

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