Thunder's Place

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Nasty bruises and stuff

Nasty bruises and stuff

So I’ve been trying to do a girth routine. I finished hanging last month, took 2-3 weeks off and then started a light routine of some stretches for maintenance, and 5 minutes of jelqing. But I keep getting these nasty bruises from it. Typically I will have jelqed for 2-3 minutes before one appears and today I saw it happen.

It actually appears on a vein, when I stroke upwards with the jelq, a vein starts to pump up in one place, gets engorged and then turns purple. It takes a few days for it to fade away even with arnica.

What I initially thought was that the soft tissues were weak, and needed some conditioning, but I’m only doing 5 minutes of jelqing, and not exactly intense jelqing. But as it happens on a small section of a vein that engorges, it appears as though the blood flow ahead of the engorged part is blocked or restiricted, making the vein pump up at that point and some blood vessels burst or some shit, causing the bruise. Another thought I had was that my erection level crept up during the jelqing and increased the pressure too much. I always hot wrap before and it happens with dry or wet jelqing.

So I’m kinda stuck, I can’t hit the heavy girth stuff that will get me gains because I’d probably get like 20 bruises, and I can’t condition up to where I can handle the advanced stuff either.

Any advice/opinions/comments?

Good Luck

Sounds to me like a weakness in a portion of your vein. If it keeps happening in the same place that pretty much confirms this imo. The thing about these is that the discoloration fades but the vein is still fragile, I found it was around a 2 week healing period to prevent easy recurrance, you’ll probably have to be careful of that area for some time.

I think massage can help the healing after the first few days and it will could confirm the nature of the problem because you may feel a small ‘granule’ of congealed blood around the breach area, kind of as you would with a thrombosis as it breaks up.

It might be worth considering modifying your grip to exclude pumping that vein wherever possible, normally locating the grip so the vein slides under a joint or between thumb and forefinger help this.

If you get around to adding Horse squeezes after a while attach the grip high and push down to the base to flatten out the veins initially, so you can get all the pump without the vein popping.


>Sounds to me like a weakness in a portion of your vein. If it keeps happening in the same place that pretty much confirms this imo. The thing about these is that the discoloration fades but the vein is still fragile, I found it was around a 2 week healing period to prevent easy recurrance, you’ll probably have to be careful of that area for some time. <

It has been different places. Many weak veins? What could have brought this on? I’ve never had this problem before. I’ll take another couple of weeks off I guess.

>I think massage can help the healing after the first few days and it will could confirm the nature of the problem because you may feel a small ‘granule’ of congealed blood around the breach area, kind of as you would with a thrombosis as it breaks up. <

Yeah there does seem to be a ‘granule’ there.

>It might be worth considering modifying your grip to exclude pumping that vein wherever possible, normally locating the grip so the vein slides under a joint or between thumb and forefinger help this. <

This makes sense, good idea.

Thanks for the reply mem.

>It has been different places. Many weak veins?<

Well I created a couple of weak sites from PE’ing. I think they may well still be weaker now all this time on, I’d lay bets that I’d pop in the the same places before anywhere else.

> What could have brought this on? I’ve never had this problem before. I’ll take another couple of weeks off I guess. <

You’re just starting girth work right? Maybe a result of hanger placement or the effect of wrap and hanger combined? I know I got mine from pushing too far too fast but I guess you’ll need to consider location etc and come up with your own theories.


>You’re just starting girth work right? Maybe a result of hanger placement or the effect of wrap and hanger combined?<

Now you mention it they have all been in the area the hanger was attached. This is probably it, a hanger squeezing the veins and restricting blood flow for 10 hours + per week for 3 years probably weakened them. I’m kinda content with my current size, so I’m not too worried about getting the girth yesterday. Maybe a longer break would be best, like 2 months or something?

What I am thinking is, using girth wraps and the TheraP strap to create some engorgement, which would avoid direct pressure on the area like the grip from jelqing would cause. Maybe this and some stuff for flaccid size for a few months. Meditate on this, I will.

Cheers mem

>Maybe a longer break would be best, like 2 months or something?<

I think you’re going to have to test the waters sometime. Even a really lengthy break might not solve the problem. I know after my main PE effort finished I cam back and did a few days jelqing a few times and I managed to cause the same damage in the same place. I was being stupid but it was the same place nonetheless.

I think having an awareness of the problem areas is probably the most important thing.

The girth wraps seem like a good idea or maybe even a modified uli thing that is degined to avoid a couple of the external veins?? I don’t know how well that could work.

Heat always helps :) I keep going back to that TroyT8 thread.

Would hitting up more cardio toughen up your circulatory system?

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

>The girth wraps seem like a good idea or maybe even a modified uli thing that is degined to avoid a couple of the external veins?? I don’t know how well that could work.<

It’s worth a try. I’ll give it 2 weeks and do some experimenting. Or maybe 1 week. OK, 3 days.

>Heat always helps I keep going back to that TroyT8 thread.<

Nice thread.


>Would hitting up more cardio toughen up your circulatory system?<

Good idea. I am out of shape, haven’t worked out in ages. I need to quit smoking too.



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