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Anyone that uses the PJ device, homemade or bought can you help...

Anyone that uses the PJ device, homemade or bought can you help...

Hi guys,

For my PE routine I use something called a PJ (power jelq) device, actually I made my own, which was really cheap to do and works just as good as the one they sell. Anyways here’s my problem, when I use it I always try to jelq with a full erection, I also put a clamp around the base of my penis to ‘try’ to keep the blood in. My problem is after a bit of jelqing my erection goes down. The reason I jelq with an erection is because it feels like I’m getting a good PE workout, when I try to use my homemade PJ device when I’m flacid, it feels as though I’m doing absolutely nothing. Also, I had read but don’t quote me on this that 1 rep with a PJ device is equal to so many manual jelqs, which means less effort and time. If anyone has an idea of what that ratio may be let me know, usually what I do depending on how I feel and how much time I have, I’ll do 100-150 PJ upwards and 100-150 PJ outwards every single day at the same time, that way it gives me roughly 24 hours of rest time, any feedback or advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

>Also, I had read but don’t quote me on this that 1 rep with a PJ device is equal to so many manual jelqs, which means less effort and time.<

Thats bollocks, so ignore that.

You’d probably do better constricting the BC between strokes to keep the blood in. The clamp must surely interfere with getting low enough on the stroke.

Its relatively normal to lose an errection periodically while jelqing, try not using porn that can help.

Watch out for your nerves if you are using your device top/bottom.

If you are trying to stay erect, have you tried watching porn while you jelq?

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