Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Anyone under 5' girth

I’m 4.25 girth. Please kill me.

Originally Posted by rhgunner
Everyone is under 5’ girth 5’ = 5 ft.

/thread. Well said.

I’ve been PEing for 9 months now and I’m still not over 5”.

Started (6-10-12) BPEL: 7.000", NBPEL: 6.0" EG: not certain

Current (10-20-13) BPEL: 7.75", NBPEL: 6.375", EG: 4.875"

Goal: NBPEL: 7.5", EG: 5.5"

I’m 4.5 and have had relationships suffer because of it. Man I can’t wait to just get to 5” to feel average.

Why do so many people on here not know the average size? The average penis is 5.5 inches in length and 4.9 inches in girth. It is on the edge of 4.9 and 5 for girth. It leans just slightly to 4.9. This is based on several studies over 3 decades. The self measuring studies are less reliable.

If your penis is close to this in size, you don’t have a small penis. It usually fluctuates between 1/2 and inch more or less on average.

You don’t have a small penis anyway. Any penis over 6 inches in length or 5 inches in girth could be considered large. Anything 1 inch over the average length and girth would be considered large.

A lot of people on here hate whining about small size and then stating that you’re average or above. Get the facts first. Ask more questions.

Start: June, 2011 BPEL: 7.4" EG: 4.8"

Current: March 2015 BPEL: 8.1" EG: 5.1"

Goal: BPEL: 8.5" EG: 5.7"

Ya I know I have a solid erect penis but my flaccid is terrible and embarrassing and causes me to walk around feeling weird.

Originally Posted by Gettinbig4me
Ya I know I have a solid erect penis but my flaccid is terrible and embarrassing and causes me to walk around feeling weird.

cutting out porn/reducing the amount you masturbate is a pretty fast and easy way to get your flaccid to hang lower (or at least it worked for me).
PE will also increase your flaccid hang pretty quickly.

My girth is 4.75” and I have performed just fine in bed. No need to feel insecure about your size, especially sine you’re pretty damn long to begin with.
Good luck with your gains!

I’m only 4.3-4.4, really hoping to hit at least 5, would be really happy with 5.5 or so. Hope that’s possible for me, but we’ll see.

My flaccid when I get nervous which is the normal is around 3.3inches and only 3inches thick. I’m definitely a grower. I’m 7.25 and 5.2 girth and I think my head is about 5.3 or .4. My flaccid is weak sometime I don’t if I’m 3 inches in either category

Originally Posted by c750
My girth is 4.75” and I have performed just fine in bed. No need to feel insecure about your size…

Second this. I’ve never had any problems satisfying a woman with my below average girth. If you are still worried about it though, read “she comes first” by ian kerner. there is more to sex than just the penis…

Started (6-10-12) BPEL: 7.000", NBPEL: 6.0" EG: not certain

Current (10-20-13) BPEL: 7.75", NBPEL: 6.375", EG: 4.875"

Goal: NBPEL: 7.5", EG: 5.5"

Originally Posted by Gettinbig4me

I find myself really insecure with only the girth of my penis. When some guys have over 6 inch girth it really bugs me. Just wanna know how many people out there are under 5 inches in girth. I’m nearly 5 inches so it’s not bad. I want to know what a thick dick feels like. Luckily I’m almost 8 inches long but that almost makes me look skinner. Help me figure out what to do for girth gains.

Yes everyone is under 5 feet girth. 5” is slightly above average 4.5” to 4.75” girth is average

Last edited by fat_cock : 03-09-2013 at .

Ya I know I just feel like my flaccid is way below average

Median is 4.67"

According to distributions shown at http://www.mrav …
The median girth is 4.67"

So half of men have a larger girth than this. Half of men have a smaller girth than this. And nicely shaped distributions with
Plenty of men having smaller than 3" girth.

Only about 1% of men have greater than 6" girth!

So, women are very used to men with less than 5" girth. Well, white women anyway.

Be happy that you have the length man. Some of us don’t have the girth or the length yet. Got to keep working at it

I’m 4.5” erectile girth and I hate it, I’m knew to this. Where can I start to improve my girth, I also have a curve to the left which I’d like to try and straighten. Never had any complaints from women but maybe they’re too embarrased to say.

Any advice?

I started at 4.5 girth and have done PE consistently for 4 years and now I am 4.5 girth. awesome right?


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