Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Are there any real doctors that support P.E.?

I know I’m a newbie but why all this self doubt. Would it not be very odd if PE didn’t work? We (all?) go to the gym and see slow gains from our weedy “natural” selves into muscled beauties. We see pictures from tribal Africa of extended ears and necks achieved by traction. We don’t ask for a doctor to confirm any of this because none of it seems unbelievable. However, it all takes time: why should we doubt that the same is true of PE?

I must admit I was sceptical at the start. I went through a commercial site that showed me the basic exercises but I wondered if they really just wanted the money!) but as I found sites such as this it became completely clear that PE would work.

One thing I cannot find any threads about is “focus”. The only exercises I do are jelq and kegel. If I do my jelqs when I cannot focus - I.e. There are others around the house or I am in rush - I am convinced it is of a much lower quality than those sessions when I am completely absorbed in the task. Although I don’t like rest days, they occur because I now avoid doing PE when I can’t focus 100%.

Does anyone else have a view on “focus”? Is there a transcendental side to PE?

Kawaihae got it right

For there to be acceptable scientific evidence (positive or negative), there needs to be a study that uses the scientific method, written up in a report describing the details, reviewed by peers, and published in a reputable scientific journal.

As long as there is no such study, doctors are correct to say that “there is no scientific evidence that PE works.” However, many people misinterpret this to mean that “there is scientific evidence that PE does NOT work.” The correct interpretation is “so far science is ignorant and keeps it’s mouth shut.”

As for chupicabra’s scepticism, I suppose that’s healthy if you’re new. It takes a while to get a feel for a discussion board and judge if it’s full of covert advertisers or the real thing. I believe in thundersplace. I’m a little surprised that chupicabra after 11 months of membership doesn’t, but I agree that a scientific study would be nice.

Start: 6.3 x 5.2 (Feb '05)

Now: 7.9 x 5.65 (gain 1.6 x 0.45) - SFL 8.6"

Goal: 8.5 x 6.0 - Currently trying: handclamp squeeze, O-bends. My data - Progress log

My GF is not a Doctor per-say, but she is a very experienced “Head Nurse” with years of experience. She’s not likely to ever be published in the Boston Medical Journal, but I guarantee that her daily personal journal entries over the last few months would present a very convincing argument that PE has merit.

Her number is “(555) go’n-down” if anyone wants her opinion.

1/01/05 ELBP 6 1/8" EG Midshaft 4" 3/23/05 ELBP 6 5/8" EG Midshaft 4 1/2" 7/01/05 ELBP 6 3/4" EG Midshaft 4 7/8 Vroom, Vroom........nothing like a joyride on a Hotrod!

Originally Posted by jphotrod
My GF is not a Doctor per-say, but she is a very experienced “Head Nurse” with years of experience. She’s not likely to ever be published in the Boston Medical Journal, but I guarantee that her daily personal journal entries over the last few months would present a very convincing argument that PE has merit.

Her number is “(555) go’n-down” if anyone wants her opinion.

Does she take walk-in patients?

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

I’m a med student…and I gained 0.6” in my first mounth,all you non believers don’t bother to start pee,it’s not for you,it’s better to pay 15000$ for a shitty surgery that no MD(urologyst) would do to himself…

Walk-in, crawl-out…….. you get the message.

1/01/05 ELBP 6 1/8" EG Midshaft 4" 3/23/05 ELBP 6 5/8" EG Midshaft 4 1/2" 7/01/05 ELBP 6 3/4" EG Midshaft 4 7/8 Vroom, Vroom........nothing like a joyride on a Hotrod!


You sir are absolutly correct! It’s just that you are doing a search for the wrong word. Try looking for "visualization" in the search and you might find what you are looking for.

A good one to start with.
Collected wisdom from the vets and good gainers

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Thanks iamaru, I’ll investigate.


Good one lol! Now I knew that would come off offensive, Im sorry it came out that way. I have not even embarked on a routine, because to be honest I am deathly afraid this is a scam, and I could end up worse then I already am. Ive been told by my phycisian that I could cause a curviture in my penis from doing this.

I was just wandering with P.E. being around for so long why hasnt there been any conclusive studies to show this to actually work.

Hi all.

This is my first post. I just saw this ad today in a free newspaper for a men’s health clinic in Toronto (where I’m located). It seems relevant to this discussion.

The clinic is run by physicians and they seem to support PE. Of course, I can’t attest to the veracity of their claims. Here’s the URL and a little blurb they have about PE:

“About Penis Enlargement

Call for a free consultation about penis enlargement and learn the facts about penis enlargement. Our clinic director, Medical Director began developing this treatment over seven years ago.

With Medical Director’ professional experience as a medical director of one of the largest private men’s clinics in North America he has directly treated several hundred men who have used all of the currently advertised surgical and non-surgical penis enlargement treatments available. Medical Director has followed the progress of several men who have tried enlarging their penises using pumps, creams, patches, and pills. As a result, Medical Director has the independent expertise to provide you the real facts about what works and what doest’t.

Medical Director has been able to develop this new treatment that has allowed some individuals to increase their fully erect penis size over 50% in length and width, which represents a volume increase of over 300%. This is a non-surgical treatment that actually stimulates true effective growth and enlargement of the penis. The majority of our patients to date have experienced a permanent increase one inch (usual range is ½ to 1 ½ inches) of growth in the first 3 months on this new treatment.

It has only been since patents were filed for this new treatment that MTMC has just recently started offering the new treatment to the general public.

To learn more call us now to learn more about this amazing new therapy.

For a limited time you can try the medication for free on your first visit.”

Hollandrulz - are you going to go check it out. Would be interesting to see what they have to say .

I might. I’m a complete sucker for anything that’s too good to be true.

Actually, I was thinking of going because I’ve had a severe loss of libido recently and the site mentioned that weight loss can cause this to happen. I’ve changed my workout routine in the past three months so that I’m doing more core conditioning along with my aerobics and resistance training and I’ve lost about 30 pounds since December. It baffles me because I’m pretty healthy but I’m just not getting too excited by women anymore (with the exception of one or two very hot friends).

I will consider booking an appointment because loss of desire really sucks!

I’ll keep you posted.

Originally Posted by luvdadus
I’m a doctor.

No-no! Didn’t You read the title? REAL doctors. I don’t mean to be rude, but ( Hi Iamaru! :wave: ) Your internet certificate counts for sh*t here. :chuckle:

Guys, in the end it comes to be or to not to be. You either are willing to open your eyes to the possibility and see the evidence or you refuse to believe it because of some petty insecurities and after that there is very little that we can do to convince you. And frankly… Why would we have the trouble of trying to “convert” you? Like enough energy wouldn’t go to trying to help the ones that DO give our way of living the benefit of the doubt.

Just for the record, this doesn’t go personally to the starter of this thread, but to all who battle with this kind of questions.
My message is: If you need to ask, don’t bother. ;)

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

Originally Posted by base
No-no! Didn’t You read the title? REAL doctors. I don’t mean to be rude, but ( Hi Iamaru! :wave: ) Your internet certificate counts for sh*t here. :chuckle:

D*mn it, he better not be fake! luvdadus talked me through a self appendectomy in chat one night! Once I pointed out that “Shouldn’t I be cutting on the right side?” everything worked great! ;)

chupicabra, start PEing d*mn it! You probably would have gained 1/2-1” (or even more) by now! I remember when you signed up because I liked your name. You have been here long enough to know Thunders doesn’t have any pay portions to the site. Invest $3 for some lotion and 30-60 minutes a day for a few months and find out if you are a fast gainer, what have you got to loose?

The only reasons I can think of as to why the mainstream Doc’s swear PE is bogus:
They refuse to question what they them selves have been told by the establishment. They blindly and without question accept as fact what the previous generation of Doc’s has written in the gospel of medical journals.
No money in PE for the Doc’s

Running a Massive Co-Front.


The clinic director’s name is Medical Director? Damn. Where do I sign?

That place is weird. I can’t see where they mention having any doctors there. They say they have a “medical staff” and a “medical director,” but adroitly never mention perscribing anything or performing any medical procedures. I wonder if it’s a few guys who cruised a lot of sites like Thunder’s, gleaned information on techniques and supplements, and set up shop as PE experts.


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