Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Are there any real doctors that support P.E.?

Ike — they have to be a medical clinical with doctors. We have universal health care here in Canada and usually (there are a few exceptions) only medical doctors can obtain a billing number. The site mentions that some of the services are covered by health care so there must be a doctor or two at the clinic. I agree that the language is weird.

Once you have received an accurate diagnosis of your sexual function along with feed from you about your major concerns our physician will recommend all the therapies that would be beneficial to you.

Medical Director has followed the progress of several men who have tried enlarging their penises using pumps, creams, patches, and pills.

… then later on the page they state:

For a limited time you can try the medication for free on your first visit.

Why do I get the feeling I’m reading one of those emails from an unfortunate soul looking for a trustworthy American (I seem to be one in the minds of half of Nigeria) to help them secret huge fortunes into the U.S.?

It’s unsettling that there are such mis-statements and other unusual phrases peppered throughout their copy. Such mistakes lead me to suspect that they’re a bunch of scammers or else haven’t bothered to read what their most public presence makes them appear to be. Now being Canada I suspose that it’s possible a native Francophone wrote the copy so I’m willing to give them a small break on this.

Holland man, feel free to be the guinea pig. Let us know how it goes and be sure to bring a few chickens with you to banish all the bad ju-ju in your penis.

Last edited by Jason_Els : 03-27-2005 at .

Jason_Els — Like I said, I can’t attest to the veracity of their claims. The language on the web-site is suspect, however they appear to be a legitimate medical clinic. They can’t bill for fees to the Ontario Hospital Insurance Corporation unless they’re recognized by the Corporation and the Ontario Medical Association (I believe that the OMA is the regulatory body for physicians in Ontario). I suppose that one could call their licensing body to see if any complaints have been made against the clinic. Anyways, Canada isn’t the Third World.

Action and reaction.

If you pull a string, it get’s longer.

If you bend a spoon, it becomes curved.

If blow air into a baloon, it gets bigger.

The laws of physics apply to the tissues of our bodies aswell, and that counts for the penis too. I don’t think we need a doctor to know that :) .

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

doctors are correct to say that “there is no scientific evidence that PE works.” However, many people misinterpret this to mean that “there is scientific evidence that PE does NOT work.” The correct interpretation is “so far science is ignorant and keeps it’s mouth shut.


And most docs have no interest in investigating PE because they do not consider a normally sized penis (whether in the small, average, or large range) to be a medical disorder worthy of risky therapy. Urologists who perform phalloplasty are looked down upon by the general medical community.

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

It must also be remembered that there is no real money for doctors to be made out of manual PE so why investigate it. I fthey prove it works so what it is not like they can patent the information and sell it. Hence they will investigate pills and search for new surgical techniques. A good analogy would be a doctor researching sit ups to see if they work, rather than trying to invent the latest ab work out machine.

Originally Posted by joey
It must also be remembered that there is no real money for doctors to be made out of manual PE so why investigate it … A good analogy would be a doctor researching sit ups to see if they work, rather than trying to invent the latest ab work out machine.

As far as I know, there aren’t many (any?) MDs out there inventing ab gizmos, but plenty who have studied the long-term benefits of simple cardiovascular exercise and weight-lifting.

If a small penis (rather than one’s psychological reaction to possessing a small penis) were considered a serious medical problem, there would be bountiful government grants available for researching manual therapies, just as there is lots of federal money available for researching the effects of (unpatented) diet and exercise on obesity. Believe it or not, some medical doctors are interested in helping to treat medical problems, even when there are no drug companies funding their efforts. (This isn’t directed at you, specifically, Joey; the “docs are driven solely by $$$” canard is repeated a dozen times a day here.)

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

As an MD I agree with a couple of points:

There is not a significant disorder associated with penis size within a large range of what is considered normal. In general, any intervention is considered on its merits as risk versus benefit, and most docs would agree that the potential for small gains in size are outweighed by the risks (even though they are also small). Remember, these are professional considerations. I myself PE, and have seen gains, but would never advise a patient, because if something went wrong, I would get my ass sued off, because I couldn’t justify advising a normal sized guy to go off and hang weights off his penis.

As for research, remember, studies cost money. Who banks them? Two general sources: federal money and private money. No one is going to write a grant proposal to the NIH for penis enlargement. And private industry has NO vested interest in bankrolling a study. Why? They don’t have any federal restrictions to selling their products. First, there is probably no company large enough to have the cash reserves to blow. And why should they invest in a study and risk finding that it doesn’t work? A well designed study cannot have a set up that expects any particular result, so to be scientifically valid, a negative study is a real possibility.

Anyway, there is enough anecdotal evidence to support a careful, intelligently gentle approach. Not much to lose. And I’ve gained enough to be considered large by every partner I have had since starting. My newest tells me I’m the biggest she’s ever had at just over 8x6.5 in a cock ring, and she says her last three have been “big guys.”

START PE’ing!!!


Have you ever discussed PE with any of your colleagues? Any moments of droll inter-professional candor you can divulge to us, the great unwashed masses who can’t tell Albert Schweitzer from Theodoric: Barber of York? If you haven’t I think it would be interesting. Perhaps say you had a patient who mentioned it, etcetera.

I’ve thought of mentioning it to my urologist but I fear I’ll be laughed out of his office. I find most urologists to be ill-tempered and I supposed I would be too if I were totally straight and spent my day with finger up other mens’ bums and their dangly bits hovering inches from my face.

Originally Posted by tenaciousD
No one is going to write a grant proposal to the NIH for penis enlargement.

:rolling: Next time NSF tells me my research doesn’t have enough potential for real-world application, I’m bringing in PE

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

Nobody is suggesting that the penis is a muscle. Read up, kiddo. You want hard evidence? Do the exercises. And before you spend twenty minutes bitching and moaning about how you believe this is a conspiracy, do us all a favor and enlighten yourself by doing some research.


I’m convinced that the penis is not only a muscle but I firmly believe that it has an abundance of brain cells as well!

Must be true because just like many of you guys I’ve been accused of “thinking with my dick” from time to time over my 57 years on this earth.

Some of the spontaneous decisions I’ve made with my f-stick have turned out to be exciting and absolutely wonderful, and yes others did not work out worth a shit. Should’ve let the “little guy” sleep-in during those less than perfect decisions.

“Too soon old, too late wise”

1/01/05 ELBP 6 1/8" EG Midshaft 4" 3/23/05 ELBP 6 5/8" EG Midshaft 4 1/2" 7/01/05 ELBP 6 3/4" EG Midshaft 4 7/8 Vroom, Vroom........nothing like a joyride on a Hotrod!

Take it from an over educated Medical Assistant who has grown almost 1.5” since December 2004. PE DOES NOT WORK.


Originally Posted by kingpole
Take it from an over educated Medical Assistant who has grown almost 1.5” since December 2004. PE DOES NOT WORK.



Originally Posted by kingpole
Take it from an over educated Medical Assistant who has grown almost 1.5” since December 2004. PE DOES NOT WORK.


Yeah? Well mine might not be big! But it sure is small!!!!

Heh Heh



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