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Are Thrombosed Veins Really a Worry

Are Thrombosed Veins Really a Worry

I’m confused! There’s so much advice on this site about how to get rid off and avoid thrombosed veins but there’s not much advice on what they do.

For example if a thrombosed vein isn’t causing any pain is it a problem. Won’t blood reach the penis in a different way? Can new veins grow?

Are there any Veterans that carry on despite thrombosed veins and have found there’s really no problem to gains and functioning of the penis?

Well, you know how I feel about this :) I also commented in another thread (don’t know if you saw this): /forum/showthre … ?t=40815&page=2

Still man, just be patient for now. It would suck to keep reinjuring the vein and possibly induce a lot of pain, requiring a surgical excision.

Yeah Para-Goomba, I saw your post which is why I wrote this. I also spoke to some others and they said that they carry on with thrombosis. But yeah I will be patient. It’s just annoying that’s all.

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