Backbreaker Stretch
Hey team,
Just wanted to reach out with a finding I had going into this year of renewed PE stretching for length. Last year I did try at the beginning of the year to get into a stretching routing, but found out that I wasn’t making any gains, and I wasn’t feeling of getting “into the zone”.
I think I had hardened my ligs from the stretching to get to 8.5 and my guy just wasn’t having it.
So, I came up with the backbreaker routine, but maybe it’s called the bundle stretch? Correct me if I am saying something people already know.
In the shower, with a cock ring on but not erect. About 85% engorged (I never work on the unit while erect, can blow out valves, and I feel that in that state he is not ready to grow).
1. One hand, overhand OK tournequette hold at the base, pushing that cock ring all the way into my fat pad, as far as I can go.
2. Second hand, overhand OK grip. Thumbs touching.
3. Using second hand, fingers should be over top of your head, genlty pull down and away from the body. You’ll feel a very heavy tug on the ligs in the center of the penis. (I also see a huge amount of head engorgement).
4. I do this in the shower, with the shower head pointed at whatever penis is exposed. Hold for 60 seconds.
5. Do this three times each day in the shower. I threw in random jelques too to keep the blood in the unit.
I am feeling core stretching again this year after doing that backbreaker for maybe a month or two last year? Every shower, three times. Not a lot of time to add to your shower.
Let me know what you think!