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Bad erection when jelqing

Bad erection when jelqing

Hi to all PE members!

I`ve just finished my first month at PE and face the following problem:
I cant get a good erection when jelqing. Even when I get one it doesn`t last more than a minute. In the end my member is totally flacid and I know that doesn`t work a lot. It`s not about what I watch or imagine. Sometimes I`m very hard simply when I think of a woman, but when start to jelq erections fade away. Is it good to stop masturbation for a while?
TY in advance!


Dion my man!

My answer to you would be as follows:

Go on the web, and use your favourite search engine and type in the following names: Heidi Klum OR Sofia Vergara OR Nikki Nova. Once this is done, proceed to the sites with the most revealing pictures, and download without hesitation. Print (I’m assuming you have a colour printer) on normal or draft quality, and proceed your PE exercises with these ‘fluffer’ pics directly in your line of vision.

Alternatively, if you have a video machine at home (preferably in your own room, because you don’t want to be caught abusing your cock in the TV room), purchase some classy porn with good quality tits, ass and pussy (remember to avoid anything made by Rodney Moore), and play the video during your jelquing sessions.

I have no doubt in my mind that this WILL help you with your exercises, given that thoughts of women instantly give your a hard on.


If you doubt this will work for you, then I’d suggest you tell your horny hand(s) to stay away from your unit, because excessive masturbation can drain your libido, your reserves, and most importantly, your will to get hard.

Out of curiosity, how many times do you clean your pipes on a daily basis? Anything over 6 times may have an effect on your ability to pitch tents.

Hope this helps!

Dion, jelqing can be done anywhere from flaccid to erect. I wet jelq with around 20% to 40% erection. Lately, I’ve increased my routine and my tired dick isn’t even 20% many times. I’ve always wet jelq and don’t know much about dry jelqing. Not sure, but I think very few people here jelq completely erect.

The only problem I’ve heard about wet jelqing flaccid is that it can eventually create a baseball bat looking dick. In other words, your girth will be growing the most at top of the penis diminishing in growth going toward the base. If it’s true that’s fine with me because I’m still bigger at my base anyway. A person who is already bigger at midshaft upward will be at risk to develop the baseball bat look with flaccid jelqing. I don’t claim to be 100% sure but just trying to help with what I think I’m aware of. Jelqing also adds to length.

You can use the search engine at Thunder’s and that will bring up tons of discussions on jelqing.

Thanks guys, I thing that the problem is in the essence psychological…

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