Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



Originally Posted by billyc
No, just through the build up of pressure caused by ballooning

You really should read that long thread he mentioned. In fact, I started a thread on Dr. Lin (the guru of “ballooning”) even earlier. I’m convinced that Lin is a snake oil fraud. He peddles all types of magic pills and he makes outlandish claims like ballooning can increase your size by some phenomenal % (can’t remember the exact figures).

He also, by the way, blasts jelqing - which I believe is THE single most effective tool in the PE arsenal (for the vast majority of guys). Probably because he can’t make a penny off you jelqing - but his pills ain’t cheap!

He’s also not a medical doctor, or even a trained medical professional of any type (nurse, therapist, etc.). He’s something like a marine biologist who did a lot of work with seismic waves, or some shit. What that has to do with PE, I haven’t a clue (but he always refers to himself as DOCTOR Lin).

I do believe that his ballooning/edging techniques can help you to achieve a rock-hard erection, and quickly. I have experiment with his massaging techniques at the base. But if you already have normal, healthy erections, I don’t believe that any amount of ballooning will increase your size. For gains, PE is the only to go.

Well, yeah turtling is never good or beneficial to PE. Ejaculation will tire out the penis causing it to appear smaller. But, it will not actually make it smaller. The penis is simply fatigued. That is why it appears somewhat smaller.


“Masturbate,” (Latin, masturbare - a combination of two words, manus [hand] and stuprare [defile], thus “to defile with the hand”).

Forget Descarte’s “Cogito,” remember…

Wad\’s \’Masturbo\’
“Masturbo, ergo sum.” (I jerk, therefore I am.)

Originally Posted by seyz

Well, yeah turtling is never good or beneficial to PE. Ejaculation will tire out the penis causing it to appear smaller. But, it will not actually make it smaller. The penis is simply fatigued. That is why it appears somewhat smaller.

Then ……my mistake. :(

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

Originally Posted by wadzilla

Wad\’s \’Masturbo\’
“Masturbo, ergo sum.” (I jerk, therefore I am.)

I’m pink therfore I’m Spam.

I think ballooning is a PE tool in that it prepares your dick for jelqing. Bit like 30 minutes on the cross trainer before you work out.

I believe that ballooning is best after jelqing and other exercises to completely engorge the penis, I will research it :)

May the force (of your hand) be with you. :littleguy


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