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Balls hang lower

Balls hang lower

I have been PEing for years on and off I’ve never ever been consistent the most I’ve ever been consistent was for a month and thats all just recently I got back into it’s been few weeks now been doing 2 on and 1 off newbie routine. I have noticed that my balls like hang a lot lower. Does this have anything to do with PEing? Is it a good thing or nothing at all.

Also while we are at it my main goal is to gain girth I am 5 inches in girth and 6.75 inches in length. I really don’t care about length gains anymore.

I know I’m still new as I have never been consistent but is there any other exercises that I should be doing and/or should be avoiding so I can maximize girth results?

ALl I do right now is 5 minute stretching all directions followed by 10 minutes of jelqs.

Not sure if it’s coincidence or not but my balls hang a lot lower too.

bodybuilda, I don’t know if you can say that there are exercises that deliver one result (length or girth) and not the other.

That said, if I was looking at developing girth primarily, I would consider pumping. Jelqs work well with pumping, too.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

So what is pumping? Do I need some kind of equipment for that and I always thought pumping was only for temporary use to get it up or something?

Anyways would I do pumping after jelqing or before?

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