Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Base girth exercises


Do you think I should do the 440s everyday? How many sets is normal?

If you need more girth (who doesn’t?), then you should do. I do 5x30 secs, I think it’s normal.

I ain’t no penis know it all.. But doesn’t your penis already have blood vessels that close to restrict blow flow.. And that’s what causes an erection?

But when you push the blood from the glans toward the shaft, the blood just escapes. I just can’t do 440 without holding the base.

I think you definitely have to hold the base, unless you kegel as hard as possible for a fairly long time. I don’t see why cos when you hold the base it expands the penis anyway so its like two exercises after one another


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