I do an exercise intended to generally strengthen the area around my base and make the base of my cock sturdier for fucking. A lot of guys probably do the same thing or something similar.
To get started, I:
— get an erection;
— then cup the head of my cock in the palm of my hand;
— then hook my fingers around the glans, so there’s a secure, but not overly tight grip.
Then I just rhythmically pull out and push in, sort of pistoning the whole erection up and down, usually with strokes that last about one to three or four seconds each. I don’t do it very forcefully at all, just enough to feel my whole package move as I stroke.
If it’s at all painful, I’m doing it too hard. The cock shouldn’t bend or mash into your abdomen. If you experiment a little you’ll find that by doing this sitting down with your legs spread a bit you can probably get two inches of play between the pull up and the push down. I like how it warms up the whole package from fat pad to perineum.
I do that from a few minutes to 15 or 20 minutes on weekend nights when I do my long sessions.
I hang, clamp, jelq and horse, so it’s hard to say how much this exercise contributes to my base girth, but I do have a nice wide base with a good curve from my abdomen to the shaft.