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Becoming shower

Becoming shower

Sorry if already exists, couldn’t find this anywhere. I don’t see much people talking around about starting grower and them becoming shower, only signs of people mentioning it. I wonder if I can become a shower if I’m a grower with PE and how. Anybody who achieved it willing to share?

Lots of stretching and never letting yourself turtle up. After you have done the newbie routine look into a good 30ish minute stretching routine.

Stretch whenever you get a chance almost everyday. Consistency is key, aim for an hour of stretching a day.
If you are just starting out do the newbie routine and maximize your linear progression while you still can. Move on after you have finished that.

Here’s a good manual stretching routine that’s a bit advance.

The 5-minute routine

You may never become a “shower”. Remember the difference between a shower and a grower is the percentage difference from flaccid to erect, Not the absolute size of either.

I find that the terms grower and shower are often misused. For instance, a 4 inch flaccid that grew to 5 would probably be considered a shower while a 4 inch flaccid that grew to 8 would technically be a grower. If you are 6 erect and you increased your flaccid size from 3 to 5 but your erect length was unchanged, that would technically be a conversion from grower to shower, not usually a common goal.

When most people talk about becoming a shower they are just referring to the desired increase in flaccid size.

You may never change the personality of your penis but you will most likely increase both flaccid and erect measurements through PE.

Last edited by Illivan : 11-20-2012 at .

Most newbie PE’ers experience flaccid gains early on. You could call that being a shower, I guess!

I’m aware that this represents flaccid state. I have a friend of mine who is 6 in erect, and he is 4,8 in flaccid, relaxed. He only gets below that when he starts running or something of the sort, than he becomes 2,5 inches in lengh. That clearly shows that his dick stays with 60% - 70% erection all times. I have read reports here of people, initially growers, becoming showers with flaccid 70% of erection, then getting to full 100% only when aroused, and then coming back to 70%, never bellow that, only when the blood inside the penis gets out to fill other important muscles which needs it.

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