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Benefits of Exercise, particularly Yoga for PE

Benefits of Exercise, particularly Yoga for PE

If “health reasons” are not enough to kick-start that New Year’s resolution, this should be: Bikram Yoga can increase the size of a man’s erection.

It’s common knowledge that the 90-minute hot yoga class creates massive amounts of blood flow through various parts of the body, pelvic area included. But after hearing a few accounts from “friends” who do Bikram that their junk looks much more impressive via Web cam in the mirror, it occurred to us to ask a professional.

“‘Gaining an inch in your pants for every two you lose in your waist’ is a fairly common expression among fitness trainers, who share the notion with their clients as a motivator,” Donna Rubin, founder and co-owner of the four locations of Bikram Yoga NYC told Asylum.

“Excelling at Bikram will undoubtedly make you healthier, and one sizable — no pun intended — benefit to better health is better sex.”

At the very least, it yields enough reason to get off the couch. Better sex always happens as a result of one exercising regularly (assuming one can also manage the gift of gab at happy hour). But what makes Bikram so different from, say, boxing or racquetball or “My Fitness Coach 2”?

Rubin: “Bikram has been shown to increase the production of nitric oxide, which improves circulation .. Everywhere. To put it in perspective, another way to increase nitric oxide levels is to take Viagra, only the drug is the quick, temporary fix. The practice can provide a healthier, long-term alternative.”

If that doesn’t convince you, remember that you’ll likely be surrounded by hot, nubile women in downward dog.”

I read another, better article about this earlier in the summer but I can’t seem to find it. I don’t know why I just thought of it, but I think keeping the REST of your body as healthy as possible, and specifically opening up the pelvic region as Yoga does - especially Bikram Yoga - can and will help you with your gains and/or EQ. I was doing yoga earlier this summer and I noticed that my member was indeed getting bigger, more full and meaty (without doing any specific PE). I was only doing it for around 2 months, and after I stopped mine shrunk back to it’s normal state of sadness : (

Yoga is certainly a good way to help with PE, calm your nerves, increase your overall health, and provide a better state of mind. Just thought I’d share, particularly for newbies (like myself) that are looking for gains in any way possible — Yoga is definitely one of the better ones to augment your PE regimen!

Interesting, thanks for this. Exercise is always great and better blood circulation will always help PE efforts but yoga is something I’ve never even looked into despite it’s obvious benefits.


Yeah, trust me man, I was doing no PE and it felt like I gained at least .25” in girth after doing intense yoga. The article I read earlier in the summer said that couples doing it, particularly bikram yoga because of it’s intensity, experience much better orgasms. It just opens up the pelvic region, increases blood-flow, which is some of what PE is about you know? Once I get my back feeling a little better and I’ll have a few weeks or maybe a month or two of PE under my belt, I definitely plan on going back and I’ll post if it really increases my gains even further, which I think could happen. However, even without the increased gains, it will definitely provide you with better health for your whole body, including your dick, which can provide you with a better mental mindset focused on positivity, optimism, and growth in all areas.

Well, you’ve piqued my interest. There are no Bikram studios near me, so I’m trying to figure out how to do it at home. I’ve found that it should be done in a room 105F and 60% humidity. Taking a hot shower in a small bathroom and then putting on a sweater or whatever should probably be close enough.


I’m glad I reached somebody!! What I would recommend is going to the most highly recommended yoga studio near you for a little while first, to learn some of the postures, how yoga works, etc. It’s really a learned ability. You have to learn how to move, what to move, what to flex, what to relax, how to breath, etc. It’s not as simple as just learning some postures. Having an instructor point out minor mistakes that I didn’t even know I was doing often made a HUGE effect on how much the posture impacted me. Even if the yoga studio’s near you don’t do the same postures as Bikram Yoga, you’ll have a much better idea of how to do them by yourself later.

Besides, I guarantee there will be a majority of girls in every class, and that at least 1/5 will be smoking hott, and from my experience the yoga ‘community’ is very friendly and health oriented - which might even lead you to other ideas to improve your health (or at least give you a chance to get that dick some practice ; ) )

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