Thunder's Place

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After effects of PE -Abandoning all exercise after gain


After effects of PE -Abandoning all exercise after gain

Hello, I am new to this forum and have read about penis exercises and jelqing before, however in some websites I ‘ve seen people say that when you quit PE for a long time then the penis returns but back to it’s original size.

And that’s something that sounds reasonable. Like someone who is going to the gym for one year 4-5 times per week, adds alot of muscle and weight gain and 6 months later without any physical exercise at all he returns back to his original state.

My question is obviously if the benefits of the exercise PE are long term and PERMANENT even after quitting completely all the routines and exercise.

Btw I have read all the introduction of the forum and I believe that this method works for sure, some of the people here are living proof, however is there anyone here who has stopped doing the exercises for let’s say one year or more and what happened?

The main point for me is that I would rather invest more time in learning how to attract more women more easily and getting them to bed and then use my already good size, than spending a Lot of time in enlarging my penis just to share the benefits by myself for a limited time and after I quit this will just return back to where it was before!

Johnnyjuan you bring up a good point and I am also interested in knowing the answer to that question. I think you support your question though with good info too. I personally got big going to the gym and stopped for 2 years because of another sport. I recently got back into it and got back to my previous state pretty easily and quickly! Quicker then it took me to push my body to that point. It’s called muscle memory. I know the penis is not a muscle but I would also like to know if you lose everything after a long time off.

Johnny I started out with 6” in 2000 when i began trying hypnosis PE. That gave me better EQ and thicker flaccid but I really didn’t do serious PE until 2003. From 2003 to 2006 I did PE for several months then would take several months off. By the end of 2006 I measured 7.25” (Right after clamping with it still engorged I measured 7.435” which is what I recorded as my peak) with a standard hard erection. From 2006 till Nov. of 2009 I did not do dedicated PE, although I did do periodic piss pulls and squeezing it in the shower. Then in Nov. 2009 I started back up doing a consistent PE routine. I measured 7.185”, so, did I shrink back a little - yes. I do not believe that I would have continued to lose anymore length. My penis simply has more mass than it did when I started. My flaccid consistently hangs longer than before I started.

Gains are permanent in my opinion, at least the solid gains.

I would also say that sex is better for both of us with the larger meat.

That being said, I will agree that learning how to be attractive to women (which is not the same as learning how to attract women) is more important than your penis size, but, it is possible to work on both at the same time. You do not need to adopt a PE program that takes dedicated hours a day.

Quitting completely definitely affects some of the gains, in the FAQ of the forums it says to cement your gains by continuing the exercises that helped you to gain but gradually reducing them.

I will start my newbie routine anytime soon, however I want to focus more on girth than length. Maybe I will incorporate some girth exercises after 2-3 weeks and will always go cautiously not to incur any injury!

Everyone will be different in the amount in which they retain their respective gains. Some will require heavy maintenance while others very little or none, and will keep their increased size for years to come.

It’s generally practicable to perform maintenance and ‘cementing’ exercises after a desired size is reached. I think it would be generally advisable to continue light penis exercises for the rest of one’s life to promote good penis health and EQ. Doing PE exercises does not have to be a ‘getting bigger’ thing once you’re the size you want to be.

This is unvalidated but I think light regular jelqing, a few times a week with some light stretching would in many cases prevent a loss of gains even years after stopping a growth routine.

Originally Posted by johnnyjuan85
I will start my newbie routine anytime soon, however I want to focus more on girth than length. Maybe I will incorporate some girth exercises after 2-3 weeks and will always go cautiously not to incur any injury!

Even if you want to focus on girth, you should still follow the newbie routine, and, if you must, not bother with the stretching exercises and perhaps increase the number of jelqs you do every week or so. Before you do other girth work you should have been jelqing for AT LEAST a couple of months. Many veterans agree that any heavier work in the first few months WILL NOT lead to increased gains.

Agreed. Perhaps even 50 jeqs a day in the shower will keep the gains. That is my plan anyway

Starting stats: 7" EL x 5" EG Current stats: 7.1" EL x 5.125" EG Goal : 7.5" x 5.75"

When you gain and stop PE, gains may not be permanent without the maintenance. This is always a risk however not a rule. So if you want to make completely sure that you won’t be loosing your gains, going for a maintenance session every once in a while is a wise thing to do.

04.27.2009: 6 x 4.5 (BP)

12.01.2009: 7.5 x 5 (BP)

Did I mention they are flaccid measurments?...Kidding! :p

Originally Posted by Laeh
Johnny I started out with 6” in 2000 when i began trying hypnosis PE.

You tried what? :) Care to elaborate? Did the hypnotist take you back to your childhood so you could start PEing earlier or how is it supposed to work exactly?

22.01.08 NBPEL: 5.91/15cm, BEG: 4.29/10.9cm, MEG: 4.53/11.5cm

03.09.09 NBPEL: 6.26/15.9cm, BPEL: 7.09/18cm, BEG: 4.49/11.4cm, MEG: 4.92/12.5cm

I was also thinking if you were to gain a .25” past your goal, the gains would reduce down slowly to you desired goal. Just a thought

Starting stats: 7" EL x 5" EG Current stats: 7.1" EL x 5.125" EG Goal : 7.5" x 5.75"

If I trained to the point where I could run a 4 minute mile, I wouldn’t expect to keep being able to do it without continuing to work out.

But I would expect to be able to be able to work out much less intensely or less frequently to keep it than it took to attain it in the first place.

Although the penis is obviously different than the rest of the body, one would not expect to get really muscular like a body builder, and then keep those muscles after completely stopping all training. But one could keep those muscles with much, much less effort and time than it took to get them.

So when you see a guy come back and and post that he lost all of his gains, you have to ask yourself if he should have expected to keep them by doing absolutely no workouts.

I can tell already that I will be able to keep mine with as little as 1-2 jelqing sessions per week, and not very many each time. Plus it really helps keep my penis healthy and extra hard when in use.

Sept. 4, '07: BPEL 6.875 inches, EG widest 5.25

Goal: Double digits

Both things are false.

I did 3 months of P.E. starting august 2007 and then stopped. I resumed P.E. in september 2009 and I lost, since my last measurement, 0,5 cm., which was exactly what I lost when I stopped recently for 10 days due to a trip I did for New Year celebration. That was just non cemented gains.

I was also sorta amateur bodybuilder form 2005 to 2007; it’s been 3 years now and my body DEFINITELY is way different that when I started and will be forever. :P

Keep doing PE for as long as you’re alive and you won’t have that problem. :)

Originally Posted by Boo-Ya
Both things are false.

I did 3 months of P.E. starting august 2007 and then stopped. I resumed P.E. in september 2009 and I lost, since my last measurement, 0,5 cm., which was exactly what I lost when I stopped recently for 10 days due to a trip I did for New Year celebration. That was just non cemented gains.

I was also sorta amateur bodybuilder form 2005 to 2007; it’s been 3 years now and my body DEFINITELY is way different that when I started and will be forever. :P

So you lost the gains from 3 months of PE, and then 4 months of PE, but you kept at least some of the gains from 2 years of bodybuilding. I don’t know how much you continued to work out since 2007, or how your body looked then verses now. I guess that although it is still much better, if you haven’t been working out it probably is somehow different than when you stopped training.

As an experienced bodybuilder I would guess that you would agree that any bodybuilding gains from just 3 months of working out would go away if you completely stopped training, and that they would go away fairly quickly.

My point is that PE gains are as permanent as bodybuilding gains only in that if you want to retain the improvement, you have to keep working out, but you don’t have to work out nearly as hard or as often to keep the gains as you did to get them in the first place.

I have never made big gains in body improvement. But I would guess that after I reached what I wanted, I could keep it with one or two lighter workouts per week, maybe less as you have found. (As long as I watched my diet.) But to get to that point I would have to train much harder and longer.

Although I have yet to go on a PE maintenance routine, I know that I am going to have to keep doing at least some workouts to keep all of what I have gained. It is just logical. To expect otherwise to me is, well, kind of irrational…

It’s like saying “I don’t want to work out and get my body in better shape, because darn it, I’ll have to keep doing at least some workouts and eating right to stay in that exact same condition.”

Sept. 4, '07: BPEL 6.875 inches, EG widest 5.25

Goal: Double digits

I have personally taken as long as 3 YEARS off with zero PE during that time and lost zero size.

Previously banned as stillwantmore, among other aliases.

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