Thunder's Place

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Bent measure

Bent measure

When measuring for BP I use both a ruler and a tape ruler. I don’t like the ruler because I don’t feel I can get an accurate measure with the bend I have. I also realize that no one ever mentions using a tape to measure length. Should I stick to using a ruler just to stay consistant with everyone here, or use the tape just so i can get the length out of my measurement that I can’t get with a ruler because of my bend?

I have a slight upward bend and I just push myself upward to meet the ruler. I can just get myself straight before my eyeballs pop out. #:-o

Seriously, I think consistency WITH YOURSELF is the most important thing. Don’t worry about comparing yourself with everyone here. I don’t think you’ll get good consistent bone pressed measurements with a tape anyway.

Start 6/13/04: 6.0 BPEL x 5.125 EG (midshaft) Current 10/17/04: 6.938 BPEL x 5.625 EG (midshaft) Come on 7! Disclaimer: I'm not an advanced member, but my member is advancing. ;)

Try to straighten your dick with your hands when measuring with a ruler.

I have tried to keep it straight, I often find it difficult to hold a full erection when I do that though. I know that the tape can be slightly unreliable, but I get equally consistent numbers from both, one shows an extra quarter of an inch than the other, but one is less painful.

I suppose I will stick with the rule for now.

Originally Posted by qwertyu

I also realize that no one ever mentions using a tape to measure length.

This thread is by a member who measures his member with a tape (and shows it in his photos). Use the “advanced search” and select the Member’s Pics forum and the keyword “tape” and you’ll find more.

qwertyu - I too have a pretty strong curve, making erect measurements with a ruler inaccurate at best…

My solution is to rely soley on flaccid stretched measurements. Press the ruler into the bone, and pull that dick out straight as can be. This way, no amount of curvature will be apparant and you will get consistent results. that is of course, unless you gain, which is what you’re trying to track, right? :)

Thank you for the suggestion SJ, I will see how I like that.

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