Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How you measure.

How you measure.

I think there was an old thread about this, but since it’s OLD, I thought I’d make a new one.

So, how do you measure, where from do you measure, how do you do when you measure, do you stand in some special way, do you sit? etc.

So, how do you measure BPEL, EG, EL, FSL, FL and FG?

edit: I mean, how you measure those measurements, not if you measure them =).

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

Last edited by Krowax : 08-13-2003 at .

I measure standing since I get more lenght when seated and the chance of cheating is bigger. Measure pretty much every way possible; BPEL, BPFSL, EGMS, EGB, EGG, flaccid hang, flaccid girth.

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

Yes, I’m aware of those pages =). It just seems like alot of people measure in different ways anyway, I’m just curious how they do it.

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

I’ve spoken with Thunder about this, I was trying to brainstorm a measuring device that all could use to get consistent measurements. IMO, there is no way to invent a device that could not be “cheated” or faked in some way. We would still have to trust one another’s honesty in reporting.

That said, my original idea was something similar to a slide rule, with a “collar” on the end that presses your pubic bone. The other end would have a piece which your glans butts against, this would slide. In between this would be one or more adjustable loops to measure girth. My experience is, no matter how hard a boner I get as soon as I reach for the ruler it dies a quick death. Girth especially is difficult to keep it up long enough. My idea is to have something that, with a hard boner you just stick it all the way into the device and all measurements are done automatically and instantly. I believe that the use of a round collar to press against the pubic bone would give very close to a “real world” insertable length. Most of us agree that “usable” length is somewhere between BP and NBP.

Well, recently I had another idea for a “high tech” device. First, I thought of incorporating one of the artificial “vagina” toys (or anus, lips, etc) with the device I describe above. It would have to be modified and calibrated, the toy I’m thinking about has a sleeve similar to a condom. In this way you’d get stimulation to hopefully get as hard as possible while measuring. Then I considered the “Fleshlight” toy, which is like a big flashlight filled with some fleshy-type substance, supposedly these are the most realistic available. What if you could add some type of pressure-sensitive contacts inside, which could be calibrated to accurately measure say from 4” x 3” up to 9” x 7”. It could have either a digital readout, or interface with a computer. Length, girth, volume etc. could all be recorded automatically. Further, I theorize that many of us reach maximum erection during intercourse, maybe during or just before orgasm/ejaculation. A device like this could accurately record these measurements, since you could stimulate yourself to orgasm with it.

I know this is just day-dreaming, but I don’t think it would be that difficult to build such a device with modern technology. Just imagine - with your ultra-realistic “ThunderFucker” vagina (or anus or lips) connected to your PC which is connected to the Internet, you have an enjoyable orgasm while your current stats are automatically recorded into the online database……


01/01/03 6.50" BPEL, 5.25" EG

10/6/05 7.50" BPEL, 5.60" EG

I try to measure the same way every time. It doesn’t matter if my method differs from someone else’s.

The measurements are for your edification. If you want to post it and someone doesn’t believe you, <shrug> so what. Just concentrate on doing it the same each time and you’ll get good measurements.


Going for 7.5X6, then 8.5X6.5, then who knows. Girth Brooks - "Didn't get any real gains until I started shutting my cock in a car door and then falling back."

Originally posted by wesb
I've spoken with Thunder about this, I was trying to brainstorm a measuring device that all could use to get consistent measurements. IMO, there is no way to invent a device that could not be “cheated” or faked in some way. We would still have to trust one another's honesty in reporting.

That said, my original idea was something similar to a slide rule, with a “collar” on the end that presses your pubic bone. The other end would have a piece which your glans butts against, this would slide. In between this would be one or more adjustable loops to measure girth. My experience is, no matter how hard a boner I get as soon as I reach for the ruler it dies a quick death. Girth especially is difficult to keep it up long enough. My idea is to have something that, with a hard boner you just stick it all the way into the device and all measurements are done automatically and instantly. I believe that the use of a round collar to press against the pubic bone would give very close to a “real world” insertable length. Most of us agree that “usable” length is somewhere between BP and NBP.

Well, recently I had another idea for a “high tech” device. First, I thought of incorporating one of the artificial “vagina” toys (or anus, lips, etc) with the device I describe above. It would have to be modified and calibrated, the toy I'm thinking about has a sleeve similar to a condom. In this way you'd get stimulation to hopefully get as hard as possible while measuring. Then I considered the “Fleshlight” toy, which is like a big flashlight filled with some fleshy-type substance, supposedly these are the most realistic available. What if you could add some type of pressure-sensitive contacts inside, which could be calibrated to accurately measure say from 4” x 3” up to 9” x 7”. It could have either a digital readout, or interface with a computer. Length, girth, volume etc. could all be recorded automatically. Further, I theorize that many of us reach maximum erection during intercourse, maybe during or just before orgasm/ejaculation. A device like this could accurately record these measurements, since you could stimulate yourself to orgasm with it.

I know this is just day-dreaming, but I don't think it would be that difficult to build such a device with modern technology. Just imagine - with your ultra-realistic “ThunderFucker” vagina (or anus or lips) connected to your PC which is connected to the Internet, you have an enjoyable orgasm while your current stats are automatically recorded into the online database……

Interesting =).

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

The way that was always considered right was from the top bone pressed look at stillwantmores pictures to see the way that pictures were always done here and on the peforum. How ever you measure at home is your own business but if you post a picture you should measure on the top like still. If I measure from the top I’m 8.25 or slightly more if I go from the side I can get pretty close to 9. But if you enjoy getting flamed post a picture with the ruler on the side but don’t say I didn’t warn you.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

For the purpose of getting more accurate measurements I bought a 30cm (11.8 inch) transparent ruler printed in black. I smoothed the bottom so it doesn’t hurt when pressing it to the bone, tried it and as it seems you can’t see the numbers or the lines where there’s nothing between the ruler and the black carpet whaha :( Fixed it by placing white tape at the back ;)

Anyways I measure bone pressed from the top while sitting, on a daily basis.

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