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Girlfriendwife wanting to measure me.


Girlfriendwife wanting to measure me.

Is it normal for a wife or girlfriend to want to measure your unit? I’ve always been insecure about my size and about a year ago my wife then girlfriend was giving me oral (which is rare) and out of the blue she said “she loved my ****. Can I measure it”. This caught me totally off guard. I simply said that I didn’t think it was a good idea and she didn’t say anything else about it and hasn’t to this day. I didn’t ask why she wanted to but this was before I started PE and one of the many reasons that I started PE. One of the main reasons I didn’t want her to measure is because she’s had a lot of sexual partners and in my mind I’m thinking who is she comparing me to? Did she measure the other guys? I’ve always felt that she wasn’t totally satisfied with me sexually and if she measured me then this would let her know my exact size and that’s why she’s not satisfied. I’ve asked before if I satisfy her and she said I do but I have my doubts of her honesty about it. I might be really over thinking all this but I just wanted other opinions. For the record at the time this happened I was 6.25x5.3. Now I’m 6.5 x 5.5 and a little more confident.

You should have been confident before, and you should be very confident now.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

I bet 1 against 3 that she will measure you around 8”.

Thanks for the words of encouragement Fire goat. I know from all of the stats you find online I should be confident but IMO I don’t put much faith in those stats. Reason being is that I’ve never been told that I’m above average or large or any words in that nature. In all fairness I’ve never been told I was small either besides a wise crack from my wife when I joked about penis enlargement surgery. According to all the data I’ve read I’m clearly above the length avg. And well above the average girth. So what gives? IMHO I think that the data that’s saying what’s average is not what the usual size is. I think Most women would think those avg length and girth stats would be small. Maybe women don’t comment on a mans size. If they’re tight I always comment on that but definitely no comment if they’re loose. So that makes me think that if they consider you small then they won’t comment on your size at all. Does this make any sense to anybody?

Yet it does, i agree but you shouldnt break your head against the wall, you are 6.5 x 5.5 if you feel you are not giving her enough pleasure in bed its because of something else not your size. Dont be insecure about your size, she is your wife now if size is not as important as the amount of pleasure you can provide…

Las Medidas no importan, la quiero mas grande y punto!

Women generally don’t comment on big dicks, just as you probably don’t say ‘wow you’ve got big tits’ to a girl with big tits.

Women tend to express themselves in more ‘emotional’ language, rather than ‘factual’ . They say ‘oooh I love your dick’, they may even say ‘you’ve got a great dick’. But they are unlikely to say you have a big dick. That would be a male way of expressing it.

However, if you break up with them, they may well say you have a small dick, even if its 8x6. :)

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Originally Posted by firegoat

However, if you break up with them, they may well say you have a small dick, even if its 8x6. :)

Of course, i have a friend that i think is 7 inch nbpel and a girld told me he was small , just for being a bitch

Started october 2011 :

BPEL 13.5 MSEG 14 BEG 14.5

Today : BPEL 14.3 ,MSEG 14 BEG 14.5

Thanks for all the support guys and gals. I don’t wanna come off sounding pathetic. I’ve just never mentioned to my wife about my size insecurity and you guys are a great sound board. Thanks again.

It’s your wife. This is something you should feel comfortable about sharing with her. Just make it come off as you want to make her happy. So something along the lines of, “I’ve always been conscious about my size because I want you to be happy with me/I want to be the best for you” or something like that.

Even with your wife, it’s never good to be insecure; women are far more confident in males who are confident. You have a fairly large penis - if you show that you are happy with your penis (and you should be!), she will be happy with it too (and she should be as it’s a good size).

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

The latest average penis size story going around listed the observation (without any implication of causation) that men who got an erection with a BJ had a higher average than those that just used their hand. I’m sure your wife will want you to be your best.

11/20/2011: BPEL: 6", MEG: 4.75" (goal BPEL: ~7", MEG: 5.25")

5/9/12: BPEL: 6.5", MEG 5" (goal BPEL: 7.25", MEG: 5.5")

3/5/13: BPEL: 6.875", MEG 5 5" (max goal BPEL: 7.5", MEG: 5.75")

Originally Posted by jd10021
The latest average penis size story going around listed the observation (without any implication of causation) that men who got an erection with a BJ had a higher average than those that just used their hand. I’m sure your wife will want you to be your best.

Now that’s some damn good advice right there, and it will make measuring fun :)

It would be nice to have a girlfriend to measure me! Last I had said I was big!

My current dimensions: flaccid: 8" x 6.5" erect: 9.5" x 7.125" glans: soft length:1.825" soft diameter 1.65" firm length:2.286" firm diameter:1.90"

Goal: flaccid: 9" x 7" (.1" length .5" girth) erect: 10" x 8" ( .5" length 1" girth) glans: soft length: 2.25" soft diameter: 2" firm length: 2.5" firm diameter: 2.25"

Ultimate goal: flaccid: 10" x 8" erect: 11.5" x 9.75" glans: soft length: 2.5" soft diameter: 2.25" firm length: 4" firm diameter: 3" In other words: A big, fat elephant cock!

Some of my surrogate sisters are measurers and size queens. They mostly only want to measure the big boys which reduces the chance that they will traumatize some guy. If you are > 8x6”s you pretty much do know that you are large. In my experience girls that are aspie or science geeks are a bit more likely to want to measure things in general, penises included.

My more experienced sisters have progressed to the point that they can measure without being seen to do so; and do it with a freaky hight degree of accuracy. Either by hand or by eye. I have whipped out the ruler for lovers that commented on how much bigger I was than their 9 inch long X so that they could see just how much most guys lie.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

When I started PE I my wife and I talked about length and she thought I was 8”. Told her I was 6 1/2 and she was surprised. (Not disappointed). When I told her my goal was 8” she said “hell no!” Sometimes during sex she complains about too much depth. Still going for 8x6 anyway!!

Started PE 6/14/13. BPEL 6.5", NBPEL 5.5", MSEG 4.75"

7/18/13 BPEL 6.75, NBPEL 5.75, MSEG 4.875

8/9/13 BPEL 7", NBPEL 6", MSEG 4.875

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