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Absolute Best Ways to Measure progress

Absolute Best Ways to Measure progress

What is the best way to measure your gains? (I am not concerned with measuring relative to other people, only measuring to note your own progress.)

With no limit on money or resources, here are a few ideas, most of which have been seen before. Feel free to add our own ideas…

1. Make a rubber Mold of your Cock
You know those “make your own dildo” kits? Well, use one every 2 months to see your progress. You could hold 6 of your dicks — covering a year of PE — side-by-side, and really see the difference. Furthermore, if you kept the “mould” (sp.?) you could fill it with water, and measure the true volume of your cock! So far, this is the best method I have thought of, though I am not about to try it. (Fuck would you ever look like a narcissistic Perv if your girlfriend found 6 rubber replicas of your own unit!)

2. Measure “In the Pump”
In a vacuum tube that is very close to the circumference of your cock, make a mark with a black felt tip marker where your strongest erection reaches. Make sure to make marks indicating your progress from the same “sight angle” (looking directly down at your cock, with your eyes the same distance from tube, right in the middle of vacuum tube, for instance — every time). Make sure you measure at the same time and Hg pressure each time, too. (2 minutes into first set with 4Hg, for instance.)

This is a method I have used, and is an excellent indicator of progress.

3. Dowling Rod method
I read this somewhere on Thunder’s (I think) and it makes a lot of sense. Use a thin dowling rod, pressed firmly just above your erection, as far into your fat pad as you can go. “Sight Angles” are again important. Make a mark on rod with felt tip marker.

Again, this is a method I have used. It has a lot in common with the “Vertical Ruler” method, but in my opinion is better because I believe the measurements are more consistent. I always stand for the measurement, with the rod (and my rod!) parallel to the floor. (One thing this method really drove home was what a colossal curve my cock has!)

Well, those are three good measurement techniques, in my opinion. I am sure other people have interesting techniques to add, with money/resources being no object… (Lasers? Displacement tanks?) Of the three, the dowling is the most cost-effective, but doesn’t do dick for girth…

My Before and After pics -- .5" gain...

Last edited by commanderblop : 12-17-2006 at .

I doubt if I could keep a grade A boner long enough for the mold to set.

How about sitting down and getting the largest reading possible, this might not get you any McDonalds meal certificates but would throw all the minor nuisances out the window.

I think making rubber models of your Wang is a great idea. I think I am going to do it. If my girl friend finds them ill tell her they are a Christmas present to her.

The best way is the displacement method, you will need to purchase a chemistry tube online proportionate to your semi-erect penis than fill the test tube appropriately and measure the volume displacement. When you have started to really gain you will break your test tube with your new size and become master of your domain.

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